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Black and White Holiday Lookbook!

 Hey Beauties! I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!!! This weekend there are so many great sales I wanted to tell you about!! Starting with my favourite site Watch Star!! USE CODE; CHRISTMAS SALES for 10% off EVERYTHING on the site!! As you guys probably already know, Watch Star is one of my all-time favourite websites for shopping accessories. They are constantly updating with the newest trends. If you haven’t ordered from them take advantage of this code that is live for the weekend! Let me know what you picked up 🙂 Can you believe the holiday season is approaching!? Time sure flies. This weekend I will probably do most of my holiday shopping. How about you guys??


Ekene Patience


Accessories – Here

Stylish Outfit- Here

Beauty salon- Here
Tutorial           Here



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Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Change your Look Change Your Life!







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Hellooo my beautiful friends! Today I decided to share with you the reason why looking your best is essential. By making your Hair Style, Makeup and Outfit styling, makes you feel better, your mood is better and your confidence level would be increased. It is so important for men and women to take good care of themselves. Personal grooming includes wearing neat cloths, stylish clean hair cut, Manicure and Pedicure.

I am a beauty consultant in The Netherlands and I can assure you looking good is good business. If I was looking unkept, you would not like to watch this movie or my photos, you would click it way. People judge you based on your appearance. Whether we like it or not.

If you change your look, you will change your life. Image or your appearance can make a huge impact in your life.  I usually look at my older pictures and comparing with my recent pictures to analyse what have changed, I have noticed that now I dress better, wear better makeup, and chose the right accessories. It is very important to pay attention to your appearance.

You have to make more time to look nice. We all do not have time, but we create time.

Understanding why you should dress up every day is essential and makes you stand out from the crowd.

Even if you have kids, and do not have sufficient time, you can make time.  Use more time for yourself instead of spending more time on Instagram, Facebook admiring other people’s photos. Putting a little makeup using little concealer, lip-gloss is so important. When people look at you, they look at your hair, nails, and outfit.

It is fine to accept yourself the way you are, but it is important to add extra effort in dressing up.For your hair, you can just blow dry it, add a little serum and make it look nicer.

You do not have to wear expensive clothes or makeup to look great, you can wear affordable makeup from drugstore such as Kruidvat, Iciparis, and Douglas. Cloths from V&D, De Bijenkorf, We, Nelly, Asos are great shops to shop.

Let’s not forget food. Good healthy balance is great. Working hard is also a must!

You can watch some YouTube videos to get  you inspired on how to dress properly and do better makeup. It will help you a lot!

I hope these tips inspires you!

I love you so so much


Ekene Patience

My stylish looks – HERE

Accessories- HERE


Hair and Beauty Care Tips!



Hello lovelies, Here is a Tutorial to inspire you on How to Style your Hair, Makeup and Beauty tips.
I do purchase my Makeup items from Boozy Shop in the Netherlands.
My Favourite Make-Up brands are from;
-La Girl Foundation
– Dior
– Lancôme
The Body Shop
– Mary Kay Foundation (I am a Mary Kay beauty Consultant in The Netherlands, Please contact me if you need Mary Kay products)
– Graftobian Banana powder from Amazon
– Makeup Studio eyeshadow
– Sleek blush
-Lashes from Kruidvat
Rimmel London lipstick, Maybelline New York
-Naked Eye shadow from Urban decay

– I am also loving The Body Shop beauty cosmetics such as Face scrub, Mask.
In this video I shared with you Queen Helene Mask and Scrub I discovered recently. I buy them from Me Gorgeous in The Netherlands. I also use Skin Success face cleanser, it helps to deep cleanse your body. Reducing the amount of Makeup you wear on daily basis will help you with clear skin. I also drink a lot of water too to achieve beautiful skin

My hair is 18 Inches Brazilian hair I bought online from Fresh Hair in The Netherlands.
You can maintain it by adding little quantity of Garner hair serum and water.
My necklace on this movie is from Amazon, I ove bold jewelries.
You can shop your beautiful Perfum, Cosmetics and Makeup from Parfum Star in The Netherlands.
I also love wearing Opi nail polish, but as for now, I am rocking my French tips which I made my self.

My accessories is from – www.watchstar.nl for your affordable watches. Watch Star is an online shop for Watches in The Netherlands. We ship to London, Belgium Germany and The Netherlands.

Thank you so much for stopping by!
I love you!


Accessories : www.watchstar.nl



How To Be happy













 Hello my amazing friends I hope you are doing well. Here are some few tips on how to be happier. I have come to realise that happiness is a choice and have learnt to accept that in life sometimes circumstances arises that makes us unhappy but we should learn to refrain from negativity and become more positive and delighted.

Tip one, learn to love yourself and others. Try to give lots of Hug. If you do have a partner, hug him or her as often as you can. Hugging makes your body release hormones that gives you happy feelings.
Second tip try to meditate .meditation has been proven scientifically to help in healing the mind and soul.

My third tip is to surround yourself with positive people, people that are able to lift you up, inspire and motivate you. You can make friends by being active on social media such as Facebook Twitter Instagram.  YouTube is also a great place to find great inspiration.
Fourth tip is to learn to pamper your self. have your makeup, Manicure and Pedicure done, afterwards, you will instantly feel delighted and more beautiful. If you need beautiful Makeup, Manicure and Pedicure in The Netherlands, please contact me at

I hope these tips were helpful

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience

Accessories- www.watchstar.nl



Effective Carreer Tips!

Hello lovely! I hope you all are doing well. I just wanted to share some career tips based on my working experience in the Netherlands for the past five years.  First tip, if you are a foreigner in a foreign country such as the Netherlands, it might be challenging to find an ideal desired job.

All you have to do is keep persisting in case you are rejected 100 times during your solicitation, never give up. If you are lucky enough and find a job, do your very best to keep it! I have been lucky enough to have a job in the health care, beauty and restaurants in the Netherlands. I have also been working as a social worker and beauty consultant. You do not have to wait for your dream job, just find something doing, while doing the job you found you might fall in love with it. My last but not the least tip is to always have a positive behaviour at work, smile, do not be late at work and dress appropriately.

Nevertheless, It is  very important to find a job you love, find a sheet of paper, write down things you love doing for example, writing, gaming, cycling, modelling and so on, and start a research on company associated with your passion, approach these companies and show them you are really passionate in their field, create a Linkedin profile!

I hope these few tips are helpful! Good luck!


I love you so much

Ekene Patience

Accessories- www.watchstar.nl



Hello my amazing friends, Thank you for watching! This is my favourite bikini lookbook.

The first outfit – Top from Designual, Bikini pants from www.nelly.com

The Second Lingerie- I bought from Spain during my recent trip. The accessories I usually purchase them online usually from De Bijenkorf, V&D and Nelly. I also buy my makeup from Parfum Star in Rotterdam, Kruidvat and other beauty shops in The Netherlands.

I am a certified Make-Up artist and a photo model in The Netherlands.

Please contact me if you need my services. I also do Manicure and Pedicure.

For my Make-Up, I am wearing combination of Blue, green and Black eye shadow from Lorac. I really love the high pigments on Lorac beauty products such as Eye shadow. You can purchase Lorac beauty products from Amazon.

Lipstick- I used Rituals and Mac red lipstick and red lipliner from Mac.

The first Nude heels from from Just Fab

The second brown shoes is from Van Haren in The Netherlands.For my hair, I am wearing 18 inches Brazilian hair. I bought my Blue contact lenses from me gorgeous in The Netherlands.

Other products I use for my Makeup is from Mac, YSL and L’Oreal.

My accessories is from- www.watchstar.nl

                                                                                                       Thank you so much for watching.


                                                                                                                           Ekene Patience