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7 Top Automobile Companies In Milan!

Hello my beautiful friends and family, how are you? I hope you all are doing well.

Below are seven top automobile companies in Milan in my own opinion;

1. Ferrari

2. Jaguar

3. Toyota

4. Hyundai

5. Renault

6 Carvago cars

7 Land Rover

These above mentioned companies has fabulous automobiles in great condition.

I like Ferrari cars, Ferrari cars are very fast and beautiful. I like range rover and Toyota cars very much as well, I also like the other car brands mentioned above. My favourite car colour is black.

Driving a sound car is advised. Are you planning a trip from Florence to Milan soon, or from Rome to Milan?  I do advice you purchase your awesome car from these above mentioned automobile companie


Thank you so much for reading my blog post




Ekene Patience


My new YouTube video – Here







Top 10 Cars I Wish I Have!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! I hope you all are doing great! I am a big fan of luxurious cars. I have had the ample opportunity to engage in an internship with one of the best automobile companies in The Netherlands. During my internship days, I had the great opportunity to visualize some cool cars I like very much.

Top cars I wish I have are

  1. Ferrari
  2. Porsche
  3. Lamborghini
  4. Mercedes
  5. Excalibur
  6. Range Rover
  7. Bugatti
  8. Aston Martin
  9. jaguar
  10. Toyota

My dearest friends, which of these cars is your favorite? Are you planning to buy one of the above-mentioned cars soon? Please contact me. I have a very close business relationship with some awesome automobile companies in The Netherlands.


Ekene patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here


Hallo mijn beste vrienden. Hoe gaat het met jullie? Vandaag gaan wij het hebben over de status van autobezit en luxe auto’s. Voor sommige mensen maakt het niets uit in welk merk auto ze rijden, zolang het maar rijd. Voor anderen is het wel degelijk van belang, het automerk waarin ze rijden moet passen bij hun persoonlijke status, zoals de Audi, BMW of Mercedes rijder.

Je zou denken, het bezitten van een dure auto is vanwege de afschrijving een slechte investering, dat is meestal wel zo.

Maar dat hoeft niet altijd zo te zijn. Bij de Ferrari’s  zijn het niet de nieuwste auto’s die duurste zijn, maar juist de oude Ferrari’s zijn vaak miljoenen waard.

Het bezitten van een zeldzame oude Ferrari wordt als een van de meest rendabele investering gezien. De duurste: Ferrari 250 GTO uit het jaar 1962, waarde 52 miljoen euro, hiervan zijn 39 exemplaren gebouwd.

Mijn advies beste vrienden, koop een auto die bij je past en kijk waar je hem voor nodig hebt.

Hiya! I am a mua, beauty consultant and stylist in The Netherlands.Please contact me if you need my services. www.ekenepatience.com www.blacknoir.me +31633651998

Goedemorgen dames en heren. Fijn dag toegewenst xo



Hiya! I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your beauty and health care tips xo www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998



Hello my amazing friends! I hope you all are doing great.  I had an amazing luxurious cars and trucks tour! Wishing all the very best in life. I love ya!  xoxo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com #Cars #Lamborghini #Rotterdam #Model #Beauty #tour

Hello my amazing friends! I hope you all are doing great.  I had an amazing luxurious cars and trucks tour! Wishing all the very best in life. I love ya!  xoxo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com #Cars #Lamborghini #Rotterdam #Model #Beauty #tour

Hello my amazing friends! I hope you all are doing great.  I had an amazing luxurious cars and trucks tour! Wishing all the very best in life. I love ya!  xoxo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com #Cars #Lamborghini #Rotterdam #Model #Beauty #tour


Hello my amazing friends! I hope you all are doing great.  I had an amazing luxurious cars and trucks tour! Wishing all the very best in life. I love ya!  xoxo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com #Cars #Lamborghini #Rotterdam #Model #Beauty #tour



New Year,New Cars!!!

Happy new year my adorable friends! I hope you all had an amazing celebration! I had so much fun with my girlfriend and neighbours yesterday in Zeeland in The Netherlands. There was so much to eat and drink! I was inspired by a friend of mine to write this blog post. He sells amazing luxurious cars. I believe awesome cars in a great way to step up your lifestyle game! I love fast cars such as Porsche, Ferrari, Lamboghini. Aside from my business contact with luxurious cars dealers i have in The Netherlands, A friend of mine sells very cool cars at affordable prices. Brands such as Peugeot,  Mercedes are available. So my dearest friends,  If you need an amazing car, trucks,  please do not hesitate to contact me here

I wish you all the best of 2018! Stay fabulous


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣ @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience




