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Qualities Of A Good Wife!

Hello, my adorable friends and family! I hope you all are doing well. One of my regular blog reader and follower requested I share this post with you guys to teach women how to treat their men. In my opinion a good wife has to be loving, caring, clean and keep the house tidy, have good hygiene, respectful, be a good listener to her husband, never say negative or insulting words to her husband or children, never hit your man, never kick him out of the house because you may end up chasing him in the sweet arms of another woman, be patient, understanding, never check his emails, spy on your man or read his phone messages,gossip other women with her husband or in front of their kids, never starve her husband or kids, take the cloths to the laundry if she can not wash by herself, cook or prepare good meals, never do things or involve in actions to hurt a wife, mother, woman like you, if you can not cook, thuis bezorgd and other website has amazing sites for great food, trust him with all your heart and soul, care for him and his family, never gossip or discuss your husband with a stranger, be sweet, hot, spicy,be romantic, dance together, be willing to support her husband financially, morally, cuturally, intellectually in  the best way she can. Never judge a book by its cover, that means do not jump into conclusion over your husband/or wife before truelly, really to get to know them very well. I love to be caring and sweet to my man when am in a relationship. Men, please do the same to your woman! Be great and sweet to your wives too!

I hope these tips inspired you.

My loving friends, please do share with me and coach me on how to become a better lover, mother and care, I would love to learn from you.

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience



Hallo, mijn lieve vrienden en familie! Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie allemaal. Een van mijn vaste blog-lezers en volgers verzocht om deze post met jullie te delen om vrouwen te leren hoe ze hun mannen moeten behandelen. Naar mijn mening moet een goede vrouw liefdevol zijn, zorgzaam, schoon en het huis opgeruimd houden, goede hygiëne hebben, respectvol zijn, een goede luisteraar voor haar man zijn, nooit negatieve of beledigende woorden tegen haar man of kinderen zeggen, nooit je man slaan, gooi hem nooit het huis uit, want je zou hem misschien kunnen sturen in de zoete armen van een andere vrouw, geduldig zijn, begrijpen, zijn e-mails nooit lezen, je man bespioneren of zijn telefoonberichten lezen, andere vrouwen roddelen met haar man of voor hun kinderen, haar man of kinderen nooit uithongeren, de kleren naar de was brengen als ze niet alleen kan wassen, koken of goede maaltijden bereiden, nooit dingen doen of betrokken zijn bij acties om een vrouw, moeder, vrouw zoals jij pijn te doen , als je niet kunt koken, thuis bezorgd en andere website heeft geweldige sites voor lekker eten, vertrouw hem met je hele hart en ziel, zorg voor hem en zijn familie, roddel nooit of bespreek je man met een vreemde, wees lief, heet, pittig, romantisch zijn, samen dansen. Ik ben dol op zorgzaam en lief voor mijn man als ik een relatie heb. Mannen, doe alsjeblieft hetzelfde met je vrouw! Wees ook geweldig en lief voor je vrouwen!

Ik hoop dat deze tips je hebben geïnspireerd.

Mijn liefhebbende vrienden, deel me alsjeblieft en coach me om een betere minnaar, moeder en zorg te worden, ik zou heel graag van je leren.

Ik hou zo veel van jullie!


Ekene Patience

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Connect with me

Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience






I truely love wearing dresses especially during  the summer period. I admire top artist such as Kim Kardeshian,Naomi Campbell, Oluchi Onweagba,  Beyonce, Victoria Becham, beauty byjj, Michelle phan, Rihanna, Gigi Hadid Beautybybel in their awesome dresses




My Favourite Outfits 2018!

Hello sugar! Check out my current favourite outfit! You do not need alot of cloths to look great, you just need few quality clothing items and make sure they are always clean, ironed and do use great perfumes everyday after dressing up to feel and smell nice. I love perfumes from The Body shop, Channel, Guerlin, Dior, Escada, Gucci, Prada, Dolce and gabana, DKNY.  Some of these cloths, i wore in this blog post, I have for several years, maintenance is the key to maintain your clothing items. When washing your cloths, try to seperate, for instance do not wash coloured cloths with white cloths, it would damage the white cloths. Wash with great scented detergents such as lenor!

Kika in the netherlands supports kids with cancer, please do donate to kika if you can! ( not sponsored).

Please share with me your current favourite outfits, i do love to learn from you.

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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Esprit Pants

H&M top

Blazers – We Fashion

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Human Touch!

Hi lovelies, todays blog post is about human touch. In today’s world, we all are so busy with technology such as our phones, camera. In order to restore the human interaction, there is a need to keep in touch with one another, not remotely but through physical communication this can be mantained through social interation which would strengthen love , human relationship and maintain healthy pscyhology.

Through social interaction , you build healthy relationship which will some day develop into love. Socialisation involves physical interaction with human which can also be done through social media. Physical ( face to face interaction) is the main and best way of socialisation. Social media auguments socialisation but it is not a replacement.

Those that keep in touch with family and friends has less chances of being depressed, when you do isolate your self from friends and family it does lead to serious depression and health challenges. In essence it is very important to be with your parents, kids, family members physically as much as you can.

Love is  such a beautiful thing! We all need to give love and receive love. According to the music of Phil Collins, his lyrics goes like this ‘ my mama said , you can’t  hurry love, you just have to wait, love dont come easy, its a game of give and take.  Love one another and stay fabulous.

To my international friends abroad, try as much as you can to be in contact with your  relatives, parent, uncles, aunties, grand parents, friends abroad because the world has become a global village due to digitalisation. Have fun and do not forget to make lots of pictures  in order to remind you of all the great experience abroad.

I enjoy doing makeup, also, my new found hobby is painting. Painting your door, room,  kids room is a cool way to relax, it calms me down.

Thank you so much for reading!

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience


Hallo schatjes! de blogpost van vandaag gaat over menselijke aanraking. In de wereld van vandaag zijn we allemaal zo druk met technologie zoals onze telefoons, camera, om de menselijke interactie te herstellen, is er behoefte om contact te houden met elkaar, niet op afstand, maar via fysieke communicatie kan dit worden begeleid door sociale interactie,  die liefde, menselijke relatie zou versterken en gezonde psychologie zou plaatsvinden.


Door sociale interactie bouw je een gezonde relatie op die je op een dag zult ontwikkelen tot liefde. Socialisatie betekent fysieke interactie met de mens, wat ook via sociale media kan worden gedaan.

Lichamelijk (face-to-face interactie) is de belangrijkste en beste manier van socialisatie. Sociale media bevorderen socialisatie, maar het is geen vervanging.


Degenen die contact houden met familie en vrienden, hebben minder kans om depressief te zijn, wanneer u uzelf isoleert van vrienden en familie, leidt dit wel tot ernstige depressie en gezondheidsuitdagingen.


In wezen is het erg belangrijk om fysiek zoveel mogelijk met je ouders, kinderen en familieleden te zijn.

Liefde is zo mooi! We moeten allemaal liefde geven en liefde ontvangen. Volgens de muziek van Phil Collins gaat zijn tekst zo ‘mijn moeder zei, je kunt geen liefde haasten, je moet gewoon wachten, liefde komt niet gemakkelijk, het is een spel van geven en nemen. Heb elkaar lief en blijf fantastisch.


Aan mijn internationale vrienden in het buitenland, probeer zoveel mogelijk contact te houden met uw familieleden, ouders, ooms, tantes, grootouders, vrienden in het buitenland, omdat de wereld een global village is geworden door digitalisering. Veel plezier en vergeet niet om veel foto’s te maken om u te herinneren aan alle geweldige ervaring in het buitenland.


Ik geniet van het doen van make-up, ook mijn nieuw gevonden hobby is schilderen. Het schilderen van je deur, kamer, kinderkamer is een coole manier om te ontspannen, het kalmeert me.

Heel erg bedankt voor het lezen!

Ik hou zo veel van je!



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


Ekene Patience




How To fall In Love With Your Job Again!!!

Hello my loves! Few days ago was valentine’s day, I hope you all had fun! Since we are still in the loving spirit and mood, I thought I share with you all tips on how to fall head over heels in love with your job again!

I love my job – in fact I’ve been lucky enough to have enjoyed every job I’ve ever had, from waitress through to retail, from lecturer through to fashion blogger, from photo model into a loving mother they’ve all taught me lessons and changed me for the better. From that feeling of new job excitement, through to passing your probation and all the way to celebrating your work anniversaries – your job can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling parts of your life. But what happens when the love is gone and you find yourself dreading your alarm going off in a morning?

It does not matter how you love your job from the onset, I think after a while we might start falling out of love because we want to have new adventure, experience new things, become more independent and so on. – But how do you work out which path you need to take? Some jobs can be very challenging and consume lots of our time, but is very important to have a balance. Some of us get burn out, break down or even experience panic attack during working hours. Taking some time to ventilate, relax,  spend time with your loved ones, go on holiday is very important. It is very crucial to avoid too much caffeine and unhealthy habits in order to be extra active at the work place.

You do not let the work to rule your life, rather be a very balanced effective productive being!

I hope you are inspired.

p.s. Thank you so much my lovely friend for hooking me up with this beautiful coat.

I love you all so so much!

Ti amo tanto

Ik hou van jou


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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Feel Good Therapy!

Hi beauties! From time to time, we all need some kind of self-confidence. Self-confidence is required for achieving a great balance in our daily lifestyle. Good self-confidence can help you during your career, job interview, relationship and so on. Below are some awesome tips to inspire you!

  1. Do not compare yourself with others, rather, remember your strengths and be happy for all the great things that is happening right now in your life.
  2. Invest in yourself, take care of yourself, wear makeup, watch your diet,  listen to great music,  read christian books, audibles,  motivational speech and  sleep well.
  3. Be very happy with all the precious blessings you have.
  4. Learn to accept and love  yourself just the way you are
  1. Minimise negative self-talk
  2. Celebrate other people and be happy for their achievements.

I hope these few tips were helpful.

Please do share with me your top tips on how you do boost your confidence. I do love to learn from you.

I just want to use this medium to say a big huge thank you to all my friends and family for all your emails, whatsapp messages, tweets with all the beautiful inspirational messages and prayers

I love you all  so much and remember confidence makes you sexier!!!


Ekene Patience


Hallo schoonheid! Van tijd tot tijd hebben we allemaal een vorm van zelfvertrouwen nodig. Zelfvertrouwen is vereist voor het bereiken van een goede balans in onze dagelijkse levensstijl. Goed zelfvertrouwen kan je helpen tijdens je loopbaan, sollicitatiegesprek, relatie enzovoort. Hieronder staan enkele geweldige tips om u te inspireren!

  1. Vergelijk jezelf niet met anderen, eerder, onthoud je sterke kanten en wees gelukkig voor alle geweldige dingen die er nu in je leven gebeuren.
  2. Investeer in jezelf, pas goed op jezelf, draag make-up, bekijk je dieet, luister naar geweldige muziek, geluidssignalen, motiverende spraak en slaap goed.
  3. Wees heel blij met alle kostbare zegeningen die je hebt.
  4. Leer jezelf te accepteren en van jezelf te houden zoals je bent.
  5. Minimaliseer negatieve zelfbespreking
  6. Vier andere mensen en wees blij voor hun prestaties.
    Ik hoop dat deze paar tips nuttig waren.

Geef me alsjeblieft je beste tips over hoe je je vertrouwen kunt vergroten. Ik vind het heel leuk om van jullie te leren.

Ik wil dit medium gewoon gebruiken om heel veel dank te zeggen aan al mijn vrienden en familie voor al je e-mails, whatsapp-berichten, tweets met alle mooie inspirerende berichten en gebeden

Ik hou zo veel van jullie allemaal!


Ekene Patience


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6 Ways TO Make Your Employees Happier!!!

Hello my amazing friends, Happy weekend! I hope you all are doing great. Today’s blog post about amazing ways to keep your employees happy and engaged. Happy employees helps the company to stay engaged and do better job. If your employees are not happy, they will not stay.

  1. Take your employees out for a cup of coffee or lunch, do not pretend to care but do really care! Give them little gift such as employee of the month T shirt.
  2. Give feedback to your employees, it is important for your employees to understand their strengths and weaknessess. people need to hear how they are doing. feedback will help them do better.
  3. Recognise your employee’s uniquenness. Look at them individually and identify their strength.
  4. Help your employees to achieve their goals in life!
  5. Assist employees with training programmes to help them improve their skills. Take a genuine interest in their future career path.
  6. Understand their family commitment and be more flexible . If an employee becomes sick, do not fire them during their probational period but be more understanding and loving so to speak.

I hope these tips are helpful!

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



Pretty Pink Dress – HERE



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BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

How To Be Happier!!!

Hello muffins, I hope all is well!!! Jogging is a great way to boost your happiness level. I tend to jog at least once a week. Eating healthy is also essentials. I do pamper my self by giving moi  a nice gift such as perfume, good cosmetics, dress up, washing myself properly.

Avoid being fearful! Be more confident and confront your fears. You are perfect just the way you are. If you are in a bad relationship, change it, if you are having a bad diet, change it.  Do Always what you love doing! I love modelling, food, cooking, writing,  sports, makeup and I do that everyday!

Spending quality time with my friends and family makes me happier too! One of my very good friend gave me a great advice few years ago, when I was having difficult times then, he told me, stay closer to your friends and the once that loves you more when you are having challenging times!

Reading a listening to motivational audio is also a great way to boost your mood such as audio from Bob Proctor, Brian Tracey  Dani Johnson, Partricia Bright! Below, I made a video to inspire you with more tips!

I hope you are motivated to become more happy.

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience



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How To Be Happy and Positive + Dance – Dealing With Depression and Anxiety!

Hello loves! so recently I posted a video to inspire you on how to be happier, stay positive and optimistic.

I hope you are inspired!

I wish you all a fabulous weekend!

Please do not forget to give my video below a huge big thumbs up and kindly subscribe, thanks for your constant support.

I love you.


More stylish look and inspration – Here


Hello my Lovelies! Here are some pictures and video tutorial I made for you to inspire you! I am wearing my current favourite dresses and I also made a list of 7 things I am loving at the moment.  1. Waking up at 6 am. I’ve become such an early bird (in e


Hello my Lovelies! Here are some pictures and video tutorial I made for you to inspire you! I am wearing my current favourite dresses and I also made a list of 7 things I am loving at the moment.  1. Waking up at 6 am. I’ve become such an early bird (in e


Summer fun!

Have a nice evening friends #Model #Holland #Zeelnd #Beauty #Visco #Summer #Ootd #Style #Fashion #Pretty



Taking Control Of Your Life, Career and Family!

Patience Ekene


Hello loves, I just felt it in my heart to share with you on how to take control of your life. This post will inspire you to take definite change in your life undermining the circumstance you are in.

2015 is almost coming to an end. I hope you have been able to make the best out of it! It is very important and make self-reflection. Ask yourself of you have been able to achieve all you wished for for the year, if not, you still have the chance to do so. All you have to do is grab your pen and paper, and write down all you wish to achieve,  all your issues, what is going wrong, what you like to do, the things that scare you, try to do at least one thing that scares you every day and read some motivational books . Anything that is bothering you, just say to yourself, I can handle it.

You also need to identify what you really like to achieve, and take action and work towards it.

I have been listening a lot to Bob Procter, and have been inspired by him. In life, fear is constant, but you have to do it any way. Take perfect control of your life, go for your dream job, house, and career and do not let anyone bring you down.

In order to become better in the field you do, for instance if you are a model and you want to become a better photo model, all you have to do choose role models, those that are very successful in the field and be inspired by them.

I hope these few tips were helpful!

I love you so so much!

Stay beautiful!


Ekene Patience