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nigerian hotels


Best Nigerian Hotels!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family, How are you?  I hope you all are doing well Today, I am going to share with you great African hotels in my own opinion

Envoy Hotel Abuja

Golden Royale Hotel Enugu Nigeria

The Palms Hotel Abuja

 Stratton Hotel Abuja

The Panama Hotel Abuja


Hilton Hotel Abuja


Africa is very beautiful, Many tourist likes to visit countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal and many other countries in Africa

Eko hotel, federal Palace hotel, ibis hotel Victoria island are very beautiful hotels in Lagos Nigeria

Bolt, Uber are well known transport service companies, that commutes passengers from one place to another.




If you wish to travel for instance from Victoria Island Lagos, to Ikeja, you may want tuse the services of Uber or Bolt, make sure you download the apps on google play store!



Are you living in Paris France, Amsterdam, Belgium, Spain or any other country, I do advise you to lodge at these above mentioned hotels


Thank you so much for reading my blog!


Do check out some cool listings of African hotels on my blog here



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Top 10 Hotels In Nigeria!

Hello, my amazing friends and family! I hope you all are doing great! Do you enjoy traveling? Nigeria is a great place to be! Nigeria has great hotels such as the Hilton Hotel, Sheraton, best western hotel and more. These hotels are also in Europe. Over a decade ago, I had the ample opportunity to spend some weeks in Eko Hotel Lagos, Nigeria, It was a great experience. One of my blog reader who works with Dutch television asked me to write this blog post, perhaps dutch movie industries might like to shoot a nice movie in Nigerian hotel rooms. Top ten hotels in Nigeria are as follows:

  1. Sheraton Hotel
  2. Federal Palace hotel
  3. Intercontinental Lagos
  4. Transcorp Hilton
  5. Best Western Hotel
  6. Lagos Oriental hotel
  7. Southern sun hotel
  8. Eko Hotel
  9. Golden Tulip Hotel
  10. Protea hotel

Some of the above-mentioned hotels are also in The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and other European countries. There are more great hotels in Nigeria. I am a personal shopper in The Netherland, I can help you conduct market research, buy goods and services such as furniture, electronics, cars, buses, bedsheets, pillows, towels automobile from Europe. Please contact me if you would like to work with me.


Ekene Patience

Hallo mijn beste vrienden, vandaag ga ik het met jullie hebben over de top 10 hotels in Nigeria. Nigeria is een land in het westen van Afrika, met Abuja als hoofdstad. De voertaal is Engels. Nigeria is een dichtbevolkt land met ruim 190 miljoen inwoners, het is dan ook het volkrijkste land van Afrika met een erg sterke bevolkingsgroei. Bezienswaardigheden in Nigeria zijn de stad Benin-City, bekend om zijn bronzen kunstwerken en het koninklijk paleis. Vervolgens  het nationaal park Yankari, waar vele honderden diersoorten wonen. Dit park is een van de populairste eco-bestemmingen in westelijk Afrika. Nigeria heeft een tropisch klimaat, de dagtemperatuur schommelt het hele jaar rond de 30 graden.

De top 10 hotels in Nigeria zijn:

-Radisson Blu

-Intercontinentalhotel Lagos

-The Wheatbaker


-transcorp Hilton Abuja

-Grand towers hotel

-Federal Palace hotel

-Le Meridien Ibom Hotel&Golf Resort

-Swiss International Masibel

-Le Meridien Ogeyi Place

De drie grootste steden van Nigeria zijn relatief veilig om naar te reizen, ook al moeten toeristen daar extra waakzaam zijn.


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Hello dear! I am a beauty, health and business consultant in The Netherlands. Would you like me to write an article regarding your business on my blog? Please contact me. xo www.ekenepatience.com


Hiya! I am a mua, beauty consultant and stylist in The Netherlands.Please contact me if you need my services. www.ekenepatience.com www.blacknoir.me +31633651998








Hiya! I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your beauty and health care tips xo www.ekenepatience.com +31633651998



Hiya. I am a beauty, model and health consultant in The Netherlands - www.ekenepatience.com