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My Current Favourite Cosmetics and Make-Up!

Hello my lovelies! I hope you all are doing great! If you have been reading my blog or have been watching my videos, you must have noticed I enjoy applying makeup. I do love to shop for my favourite makeup at Douglas, Ici Parijs, Sephora, Primark, Etos, Kruidvat in The Netherlands or United kingdom. I love using brand from Mac, Smashbox, Rituals Maybelline, loreal, channel, dior, Gucci, makeup studio. A great aftershave for men is from the brand Nivea, bottego and mary kay is great. I love watching great makeup artist such as nikkis tutorial, beauty by bel michelle phan. I do organise my makeup in cups or containers. You may buy containers from blokker. I have been a photomodel for over a decade, during my shoots, i applied my makeup, and makeup of so many models. Aside from applying makeup, I also enjoy doing manicure and  pedicure. you can never go wrong with a groomed nails!

What are your favourite makeup and cosmetic items my angels? I do love to learn from you.

Thank you so much for reading! Please do enjoy my photos below!!!

I love you so so much


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


Hallo mijn schatjes!  Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie allemaal! Als je mijn blog  vaak les of mijn video’s hebt bekeken, moet je hebben gemerkt dat ik graag make-up gebruik. Ik ben dol op winkelen voor mijn favoriete make-up bij Douglas, Ici Parijs, Sephora, Primark, Etos, Kruidvat in Nederland of het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Ik gebruik graag merken van Mac, Smashbox, Rituals Maybelline, Loreal, Channel, Dior, Gucci, make-upstudio. Een geweldige aftershave voor mannen is van het merk Nivea, bottego en mary kay is geweldig. Ik hou van het kijken naar geweldige make-upartiesten zoals Nikkis tutorial, beauty door bel michelle phan. Ik organiseer mijn make-up in bekers of containers. Je kunt containers van blokker kopen. Ik ben meer dan een decennium lang een fotomodel geweest, tijdens mijn shoots heb ik mijn make-up en make-up van zoveel modellen aangebracht. Naast het aanbrengen van make-up, geniet ik ook van het doen van manicure en pedicure. je kunt nooit fout gaan met een verzorgde nagels!
Wat zijn jullie favoriete make-up en cosmetische producten mijn engelen? Ik vind het heel leuk om van je te leren.
Heel erg bedankt voor het lezen! Geniet alsjeblieft hieronder van mijn foto’s !!!
Ik hou zo veel van jullie!
Ekene Patience






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How I Treat Myself As No.1

How I Treat Myself  as No. 1

Being good to yourself sounds easier than it looks, many of us are living lives that are busy, complicated and we often spend time juggling many balls, I for one know that is my life on a regular basis, however I find that I can end up feeling like a headless chicken and there are moments where I just need to take a step to strip back and really focus on ME, so here are some of the ways that I like to treat myself just like I should.


Mood boarding, is something I’ve just started doing, if I’m not clear on what I want and how I want to be treated how can I be successful at being good to myself. I love to get a range of magazines, websites and experiences to put an ideal vision of what I want my life to look like. This is a recent activity but one I know will make a massive difference to me. From how having a vision on how I want my time to be spent to how I want my body to look nothing is off limits, as they say without a vision the people perish, and I really believe it is a fundamental step to being good to ones self. I also use Pininterest nd Tumblr website to get inspirational ideas and I do creat moardboard on these sites. I love to buy art works with motivational text on it.

2.       EAT WELL

Many of you know that I’m a massive foodie, it helps me be more organised as well as takes up a lot less time than thinking about what to eat every day. My favourites are all thing’s grilled chicken, fish along with lots of beans, rice, sweet potatoes and broccoli.


We all know that we should be doing this but are we, I have found that having a gym membership often meant that I had money going down the drain constantly, however having just decided on a personal trainer it has really taken my exercising experience to the next level. I also exercise myself. I do 100 sit ups every morning when I wake up and also sit ups before going to bed. It makes me feel agile and ready for the day.


My skin is something that has recently taken a back seat with me lately as my priorities have been elsewhere. But with noticeably seeing changes that I wasn’t so happy with I realised that a new routine needed to be put in place Asap. I love the idea of having a simple skin care regimen that doesn’t require more steps then are necessary. From time to time I use acids such as glycolic and lactic to deal with my stubborn skin care issues, but obviously I can’t use these daily. With the new range from NIVEA it has been a great option for consistent cleansing that is deep but also provides touchable softness. I’ve used the makeup wipes for those lazy nights, the cream wash for a quick in shower facial wash and the lotion for a gentle cleansing massage. When my skin feels right all seems right with the world.


Finally mindfulness is my final piece of the being good to myself mantra. Taking that time in the morning, to reflect and be thankful make’s all the difference. Everyone deserves 5 minutes to take a break to reflect, don’t you think? 5 inutes journal by Mimi Ikonn is also a great book you can use for your personal reflection.

I created a video below on my skin care regime and also advice on how to be happier. I hope you are inspired.

Stay fabulous.

I love you!!!



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Ekene Patience

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Skincare Routine 2017!

Hi loves, Here are some of my favourite skin care products video and stylish pictures.  I filmed the videos  in year 2016 and year 2017. I love skin care products from brands such as  Dove, Nivea, Channel, The Bodyshop, Kruidvat, Dr Kniep, Vaseline, Douglas, Mac, Olay, Biotherm, Clinique, Skin success, fair and white, Tura,Aveeno, Mary Kay.Aside from using cosmetics, you might want to eat balance diet, practise exercise everyday, dance and have fun!
I hope these tips inspires you. Pease share with me what your favourite skin care procucts are. I
do love to hear from you.

Please kindly subscribe, like, comment and share my videos!

 I love yoo so much!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience













Hair and Beauty Care Tips!



Hello lovelies, Here is a Tutorial to inspire you on How to Style your Hair, Makeup and Beauty tips.
I do purchase my Makeup items from Boozy Shop in the Netherlands.
My Favourite Make-Up brands are from;
-La Girl Foundation
– Dior
– Lancôme
The Body Shop
– Mary Kay Foundation (I am a Mary Kay beauty Consultant in The Netherlands, Please contact me if you need Mary Kay products)
– Graftobian Banana powder from Amazon
– Makeup Studio eyeshadow
– Sleek blush
-Lashes from Kruidvat
Rimmel London lipstick, Maybelline New York
-Naked Eye shadow from Urban decay

– I am also loving The Body Shop beauty cosmetics such as Face scrub, Mask.
In this video I shared with you Queen Helene Mask and Scrub I discovered recently. I buy them from Me Gorgeous in The Netherlands. I also use Skin Success face cleanser, it helps to deep cleanse your body. Reducing the amount of Makeup you wear on daily basis will help you with clear skin. I also drink a lot of water too to achieve beautiful skin

My hair is 18 Inches Brazilian hair I bought online from Fresh Hair in The Netherlands.
You can maintain it by adding little quantity of Garner hair serum and water.
My necklace on this movie is from Amazon, I ove bold jewelries.
You can shop your beautiful Perfum, Cosmetics and Makeup from Parfum Star in The Netherlands.
I also love wearing Opi nail polish, but as for now, I am rocking my French tips which I made my self.

My accessories is from – www.watchstar.nl for your affordable watches. Watch Star is an online shop for Watches in The Netherlands. We ship to London, Belgium Germany and The Netherlands.

Thank you so much for stopping by!
I love you!


Accessories : www.watchstar.nl
