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Odumegwu Ojukwu University


7 Reasons Why I Studied Biochemistry!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you today? I hope you all are doing great! I have been asked to share with you all the top seven reasons why I did study biochemistry. Before I went to Anambra State University of Science and Technology, Uli, currently known as  Chukwuemeka Odumegwu University Anambra state, I did one full year Pre- science studies for Medicine at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria.

I was just sixteen years old then. When I was at Mbakwu, doing my prescience studies, I was really a fresher, a very intelligent girl, although very young. I was not really into travelling then, I was very young, never been to Port Harcourt, Lagos, Nigeria nor Abuja.

My Pre-Science Programme at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka was great, I had so many girlfriends and boyfriends, my roommate then is now happily married in Asaba. Many persons came to my room then each day to chat with me,  take pictures with me or do homework and studies. It was really great.

Although I did not pass my prescience programme at Nnamdi Azikiwe Univerity Nigeria, I won the beauty pageant at sixteen years old! I was the queen of the prescience programme. I became very famous, so many persons wanted to be my friends and offered me money and gift to make great pictures with me. I received then, lots of clothes, shoes, jewellery,  money attention for free. so many guys wanted to date me then as a queen. I was really famous. Not only at Mbakwu, but at other branches where Nnamdi Azikiwe Univesity was located such as Awka, Nnewi Campus!

So, when I finished with my prescience programme at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, I went to Anambra State University Uli to study Biochemistry. During my fourth year, I went to the University of Nigeria Nsukka with very few of my colleagues and lecturers from Anambra State University Uli to write my thesis.

I spent one good year at the University of Nigeria writing my thesis Anti diarrhoea effect of Combretum Dolicho Petalum plants on swiss albino rats. It was a very intensive study but I excelled!  I spent almost six years in total studying biochemistry and spent thousands of euros. My family invested a lot of money in me during my studies. I bought so many expensive biochemistry books such as Stryers and more.

Seven reasons why I studied biochemistry;

  1. Biochemistry studies have enabled me to understand better the anatomy and physiology of the human body
  2. I was able to experiment a lot during my studies, created soap, beer, cosmetics, a cure for diarrhoea and more during my studies
  3. Has enabled me to meet great friends worldwide with whom I am still very much in contact with
  4. I am able to apply my biochemistry knowledge in my day to day activities such as in cooking, self-care etc
  5. Biochemistry has helped me improve my knowledge of Biology and Chemistry
  6. Biochemistry enabled me to value the importance of studying very well. In Biochemistry, there is a lot of homework that involved drawing structural formulas such as DNA, RNA, hydrocarbons, amino acids etc, failing to draw a structure properly may lead to failure
  7. I earned my BSc in Biochemistry, afterwards, BA in International business and management in Rotterdam University of Applied sciences and also an MSc in Marketing and Management.


Are you planning to study Biochemistry in Europe? In the UK, it might cost you over seventy thousand pounds to study biochemistry for five years including accommodation and living cost, In Nigeria, it might cost you a bit less. If you do need help with choosing a school to study within Nigeria or in Europe, please contact me, I shall be willing to coach you.



Thank you so much for reading my  previous blog


Ekene Patience

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