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Winter – Fall Glam LookBook!

I find winters in Europe especially in The Netherlands so mild and enjoyable, It does not rain so much compared to other European countries. There are a lot of trees that remain green and the air outside is so refreshing, especially when biking. The Dutch complains a lot about the weather, but I say to them wait till you visit Nigeria, which is often very hot with temperature  up to 38 to 40 degree Celsius. When am in Europe, I dress according to the weather, and whenever am in Africa I dress myself up with very lovely colorful outfits and casual looks too.. Just like the saying goes,  when you are in Rome,  you behave lie the Romans. I do love to wear very mild down to eat makeup look when am in Europe during winter period and very colorful eyeshadow and lovely lip colours such s pink, peach in Africa. I also enjoy doing the makeup of ladies manicure, pedicure and outfit styling for models, few years ago,  I used to model a lot, I did helped a lot of photographers to style and do the makeup of some photo models.

What’s the winter like where you are? Or is it even winter? ( I hear it’s summer in Australia and New Zealand!) 

How do you style your self during winter period and what are your favorite winter meals? I do love to learn from you.

Thank you so  much for reading.


Ekene Patience


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