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My Current Favourite Paintings!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you all doing today? I hope you are doing great. Painting is a great way to express one’s talent. Please find below some of my recent paintings. recently I ordered some cool canvas from Action supermarket and from Pipoos.

For some of my blog readers, friends, and family that wish to start painting. You may want to purchase your paint from Pipoos and Action supermarket. Painting is really exciting.  You need to sellotape the edges of your canvas before you start painting. Make sure you are very calm, relaxed, not bothered before you start painting. If you have worries, you may not be able to create a very nice paint. After painting, please leave the paint to dry.

Many of you have been asking me, how I get inspired to paint, where did I learn it from, how to market my painting, and so on

I taught myself how to paint, I also watch youtube videos. You can market your paintings by word of mouth, telling friends and family, social media, advertising online, and so on.

I  make and sell the painting, offer workshops too. Please contact me f you are interested to work with me. Are you a professional artist, would you like to coach me on how to create great paintings, please contact me


Ekene Patience

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Salon – Here

Translation –  Here

My gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here


















My Second Passion is Painting!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well. My second passion is painting. My First passion is Modelling. I have been a photo model for over a decade now. I have been sketching and painting for over two decades now, but did not do it as much as I did modeling. I have been told severally that my painting and sketches are quite nice. My modeling, sketching, and painting skills are god-given skills. I never went to school to earn these amazing skills. Although during my five years of biochemistry studies, I drew a lot of hydrocarbons, DNA structures, and more. I enjoyed drawing structural formulas a lot then, my biochemistry lecturers then were very nice.

Below are some of the sketches, paintings I have done recently. In order to start painting or sketches, you need the following items,

  1. Canvas
  2. Painting brush
  3. Acrylic paint
  4. A sketchbook
  5. Pencil

Pipoos and Action supermarket has a great canvas and paints to start with. Painting and sketching is one of the most fun activities you can ever indulge in. My apologies, if the paintings and sketches below do not look like paintings of famous painters such as Van Gogh and Rembrandt.

When painting on a canvas, you can use a brush, and make sure you stroke the brush on the canvas several times till you are happy with the result. Make sure you cello tape the side edges of the canvas to avoid the paint for staining the canvas and also to make the result of the canvas is up to to your expectation! If you are wearing a nice manicure and do not wish the manicure to be stained with the acrylic painting, please wear a hand glove on your hands.  Please leave it to dry, clean up your brushes, and keep them in a safe dry place. Make sure you place the towels or clothing items you use for creating the painting in a washing machine, after all the items have been washed properly, hang them to dry. Clean the entire environment you used in painting. If you have a big house, please create a nice studio for painting,

I hope this painting inspires you to start being creative today!


Ekene Patience

Shop-  Here

Salon – Here

Translation –  Here

My gig – here

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here









Human Touch!

Hi lovelies, todays blog post is about human touch. In today’s world, we all are so busy with technology such as our phones, camera. In order to restore the human interaction, there is a need to keep in touch with one another, not remotely but through physical communication this can be mantained through social interation which would strengthen love , human relationship and maintain healthy pscyhology.

Through social interaction , you build healthy relationship which will some day develop into love. Socialisation involves physical interaction with human which can also be done through social media. Physical ( face to face interaction) is the main and best way of socialisation. Social media auguments socialisation but it is not a replacement.

Those that keep in touch with family and friends has less chances of being depressed, when you do isolate your self from friends and family it does lead to serious depression and health challenges. In essence it is very important to be with your parents, kids, family members physically as much as you can.

Love is  such a beautiful thing! We all need to give love and receive love. According to the music of Phil Collins, his lyrics goes like this ‘ my mama said , you can’t  hurry love, you just have to wait, love dont come easy, its a game of give and take.  Love one another and stay fabulous.

To my international friends abroad, try as much as you can to be in contact with your  relatives, parent, uncles, aunties, grand parents, friends abroad because the world has become a global village due to digitalisation. Have fun and do not forget to make lots of pictures  in order to remind you of all the great experience abroad.

I enjoy doing makeup, also, my new found hobby is painting. Painting your door, room,  kids room is a cool way to relax, it calms me down.

Thank you so much for reading!

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience


Hallo schatjes! de blogpost van vandaag gaat over menselijke aanraking. In de wereld van vandaag zijn we allemaal zo druk met technologie zoals onze telefoons, camera, om de menselijke interactie te herstellen, is er behoefte om contact te houden met elkaar, niet op afstand, maar via fysieke communicatie kan dit worden begeleid door sociale interactie,  die liefde, menselijke relatie zou versterken en gezonde psychologie zou plaatsvinden.


Door sociale interactie bouw je een gezonde relatie op die je op een dag zult ontwikkelen tot liefde. Socialisatie betekent fysieke interactie met de mens, wat ook via sociale media kan worden gedaan.

Lichamelijk (face-to-face interactie) is de belangrijkste en beste manier van socialisatie. Sociale media bevorderen socialisatie, maar het is geen vervanging.


Degenen die contact houden met familie en vrienden, hebben minder kans om depressief te zijn, wanneer u uzelf isoleert van vrienden en familie, leidt dit wel tot ernstige depressie en gezondheidsuitdagingen.


In wezen is het erg belangrijk om fysiek zoveel mogelijk met je ouders, kinderen en familieleden te zijn.

Liefde is zo mooi! We moeten allemaal liefde geven en liefde ontvangen. Volgens de muziek van Phil Collins gaat zijn tekst zo ‘mijn moeder zei, je kunt geen liefde haasten, je moet gewoon wachten, liefde komt niet gemakkelijk, het is een spel van geven en nemen. Heb elkaar lief en blijf fantastisch.


Aan mijn internationale vrienden in het buitenland, probeer zoveel mogelijk contact te houden met uw familieleden, ouders, ooms, tantes, grootouders, vrienden in het buitenland, omdat de wereld een global village is geworden door digitalisering. Veel plezier en vergeet niet om veel foto’s te maken om u te herinneren aan alle geweldige ervaring in het buitenland.


Ik geniet van het doen van make-up, ook mijn nieuw gevonden hobby is schilderen. Het schilderen van je deur, kamer, kinderkamer is een coole manier om te ontspannen, het kalmeert me.

Heel erg bedankt voor het lezen!

Ik hou zo veel van je!



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


Ekene Patience

