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How To be A Great Parent!

Hello my beautiful friends and family, how are you? I hope you all are doing well. Today, I am going to share with you ideas on how to be a good parent.

A good mummy and daddy has to be there for their kids all the time irrespective of their age and gender.

A good parent has to be kind to their kids. Kids has to be nice to their parent, listen to their mummy and daddy when mummy and daddy is talking to them.

A good parent has to be caring, cuddle, hug and make beautiful pictures together , sometimes make family portret together. The pictures can be used for home decoration.
If you take a nice family portret, you can frame it up and place it in your living room or parlour. You can buy a nice portret frame from ikea.

A good parent has to offer good food from albert heijn to theor children,  mentorship and inspiration to their children.

A good parent has to nuture themselves and their kids with nice balance diet, clean clothes  and also ideal skincare and hair care products for themselves and kids. A good parent has to support their kids, if your child enjoys playing football, encourage them and take your children to football field so that they can learn how to play football very well.

I hope this blog post inspired you

Thank you so much for reading.


Ekene Patience



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How To Be A Great Parent!

Hello my beautiful friends and family, How are you? I hope you are doing great. This is a highly requested blog post. Being a great parent is the wish of most persons with children. We all want to be super mommies and daddies especially when you are married and wish to have children or already have children. I have interviewed several parents regarding how to be a super mummy and daddy, the following tips would be very helpful

  1. Be kind to your kids
  2. Give your kids attention and love
  3. Smile with your kids
  4. Never yell at your kids
  5. Provide clean clothing, decent shelter, and food for your kids
  6. Cook for your kids
  7. Never fight  with your partner, especially when your kids are around nor fight with your kids
  8. Go biking, swimming, dancing, clap your hands,  play in the garden, or got to the beach with your kids
  9. Provide your kids with decent toys to play with
  10. Read nice storybooks to your kids and teach them good manners.
  11. Tell your kids you love, appreciate them, and mean it when you say so.
  12. Take your kids to holidays
  13. Be a great role model for your kids, teach them on how to be themselves and live life with passion, love, and freedom
  14. Help their kids with homework

The inability to show love to your child may cause misunderstanding between parent and their kids. I have once communicated with a parent, he was not in talking terms with his kid for so many years before i met him due to misunderstanding. I carried out a very intensive consultation session then and finally, the parent and child came back in terms and became best friends.  The moral of this short story is that, Instead of creating a very malicious, angry, unconducive environment for your children, it is better to create a loving, caring, happy environment for a parent so that the parent would have a very happy suitable parenting experience with their children.

Peacefulness and Stability in a home, amongst mummy, daddy, and kids would help the parent and kids happier.  Children that lack love, comfort, care may have some challenges with development. They might experience tantrums, sadness and so on, A child shown love, happiness tends to be happier, performs better at school, and so on.


I hope these tips were very helpful. Please kindly share with me how you parent your kids, do you provide food, shelter, clothing, basic education, lots of love, attention, do you communicate with your kids often? do you sit down and talk with your kid on daily basis? if yes, where do you do sit down and talk to your kids?  I would love to learn from you.

Thank you so much for reading my blog



Ekene Patience

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My Favourite Kind of Love!

Hello my loves! I hope you all are doing great! I have conducted several interview from social media family members and friends, I asked several of you, what is your favourite kind of lover? Your answers are so similar to my own very kind of favourite lover.

My favourite lover has to be kind, handsome, loving, caring, sweet, forgiving, spontanous, caring, great cook, great hygiene, humble,  must not betray me and easy going . Love is a beautiful thing. We all wants be loved, cared about, given attention, taken to our favourite restaurants. Love requires alot of patience, understanding. Many of us expect our lovers to give us love in order to feel loved! Do you kow that giving your self love would make you feel great! Love your self, take good care of you, give your self a nice channel perfume once in a while,  apply makeup, take your self to a nice hotel ,, enjoy a mini lunch. If you do not have a lover, do not feel bad, be happy. If you do have a lover, husband, cherish the love you have.

Some parents with  new born children may face challenges sharing love equally to their older children because they have to pay more attention to new born baby, all you need to do is assure your older kids you love them too, do make them understand you love them and they mean the world to you.

By the way, you also need to show love to the items you have, such as cloths, care, houses, maintain them, use them carefully and apply maintenance I enjoy sharing my love by serving people in hotels and restaurants, cleaning my home and that of others too!

Who is your favourite kind of lover?  I do love to learn from you!

Please like, share this post.

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience

p.s. Aside from sharing blog post on fashion, beauty and lifetyle , i do love love to write about other general life style topics. I do love to share my opinion with the world, I am so thankful for each and everyone of you for your love, kind words and support. You all are amazing!

by the way, today is my sons birthday. Happy Birthday my baby, my oldest son, my pride! Mummy loves you more than you know it!



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
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Hallo mijn liefdes! Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie allemaal! Ik heb verschillende interviews van familieleden en vrienden van sociale media uitgevoerd, ik heb een aantal van jullie gevraagd, wat is je favoriete liefde? Je antwoorden zijn zo vergelijkbaar met die van mijn eigen soort favoriete geliefde.

Mijn favoriete liefde moet vriendelijk, knap, liefdevol, zorgzaam, lief, vergevingsgezind, spontaan, zorgzaam, goed kokend, goede hygiëne, nederig, moet me niet verraden en makkelijk in de omgang zijn. Liefde is een mooi ding. We willen allemaal dat we geliefd, verzorgd en aandacht krijgen en naar onze favoriete restaurants worden gebracht. Liefde vereist veel geduld, begrip. Velen van ons verwachten dat onze geliefden ons liefde geven om geliefd te voelen! Denk je dat het geven van je zelfliefde je een goed gevoel zou geven! Geef jezelf liefde, zorg goed voor jezelf, geef jezelf af en toe een mooie parfum, pas make-up toe, neem je zelf mee naar een leuk hotel, geniet van een mini-lunch. Als je geen geliefde hebt, voel je dan niet slecht, wees dan gelukkig. Als je een geliefde hebt, man, koester dan de liefde die je hebt.

Sommige ouders met pasgeboren kinderen kunnen het moeilijk hebben om dezelfde liefde voor hun oudere kinderen te delen, omdat ze meer aandacht moeten besteden aan pasgeboren baby’s. Het enige wat u hoeft te doen is uw oudere kinderen verzekeren dat u van hen houdt, ze laten begrijpen dat u van hen houdt en ze bedoelen de wereld voor jou.

Trouwens, je moet ook liefde tonen voor de items die je hebt, zoals kleding, zorg, huizen, onderhoud ze, gebruik ze zorgvuldig en pas onderhoud toe Ik geniet ervan mijn liefde te delen door mensen in hotels en restaurants te dienen, mijn huis schoon te maken en ook die van anderen!

Wie is je favoriete liefde? Ik vind het leuk om van je te leren!

Alsjeblieft, deel dit bericht.

Ik hou zo veel van je!



Ekene Patience

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