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Fun Activities Ideas For Female Photo Models!

Hello my beautiful friends and family, how are you ? I hope you all are doing well.

Today, i am going to share with you ideas on how to have fun in Paris.

1. Visit the Ibis hotel Paris Bercy

2. Visit Sofitel hotel Paris

3. Visit Disneyland Paris

4. Plan a photo shoot with a professional photographer at Marriot hotel Paris

5 plan a professional shoot with a Portret or glamour photographer in Paris, a great photo studio is called the paris photographer

Paris is a beautiful city. I have been to Paris. I have done some very professional shoots with top notch photographers in Paris.

Chande elllysee is very nice. You may also want to visit the ivory tower for photoshoot or the above hotels for a great shoot.

If you do love very pretty dresses or stylish handbags, please shop at Michael kors, Louis vulton or at Chanel shop.

Do make Pais your next holiday destination!


Ekene Patience

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5 Top Businesses For Prospective Entrepreneurs

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you are doing well. Are you an entrepreneur? did you recently graduate? finished your nysc? job hunting? have a job already but need some extra income? well, I have good news for you! There are five top jobs/ businesses you can easily start with

  1. Makeup artistry/modeling
  2. photography
  3. Website design/ webshop
  4. network marketing/ consulting
  5. Hairdressing, manicure, pedicure, hair cut and so on

For some of the above-mentioned career, you do need a diploma to start and some you do not need a diploma, I have coached several persons on how to become self-employed or just learned some vital skills they can make use of during leisure time spent with friends and family.

For example, Most photographers are very good with makeup or with consulting and coaching. Some photographers i know organize workshops, and coach several photographers. I have attended several workshops in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany. I once went to Munich, Germany eight years ago, the photographer sponsored my flight from the Netherlands to Germany for the shoot and also paid me for my time for the photography. I flew to Germany after several days he paid for the flight, he paid for the flight ticket couple of days before the actual date of my planned date for the photoshoot with him in Germany. He picked me up from Munich airport to his house, when i arrived at his house, i went to his bathroom and took a really nice shower, I really enjoyed the delicious food his wife prepared for me.

When I got to the home of the photographer in Munich, he was very nice to me, I spent several days at his home with his beautiful wife and kid. I was given a very nice room to lay my head on, the following day, the wife did my makeup, we then went to his photo studio to create some really nice picture. I wore a red dress in one of the photo sessions and also African attire. It was great!

This is a requested blog post. Do you need a professional photographer, or do you need coaching on how to improve your photography skills, catwalk skills, photo-editing, coaching, studio rent,  workshop, and so on? Please contact me, I and my team member can help you out.

You may want to shop for your professional camera and studio lighting with Mediamarkt in The Netherlands or Belgium. I do recommend Canon camera for your photography!























How To Achieve Glowing Skin!!!

Hello Lovelies, I hope you all are doing well! Below is a video tutorial on how to achieve a beautiful glowing skin.

Drinking lots of water is essential to earn a glowing skin, you may want to exercise often. Using some good skin care products such as day and night cream, serum, face wash from brands such as Loreal, Channel, clarins, biotherm is an excellent way to achieve a radiant skin. I also love using bio oil on my face .

Essential vitamins such as vitamin A,C,D,E and vis oil helps alot aswell. Eating well balanced diet, sleeping enough also is paramount.

I hope these tips were helpful!!!

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Creating Fabulous Pictures and Awesome Video!

Hello Muffins! If you are new to my blog, you are most highly welcome! My name is Ekene and I have been a photo model and a beauty consultant in Europe and Africa for several years.

Today, I decided to share with you my knowledge on making fabulous pictures and videos. Incase you are a photo model, or just need a nice picture for your social media account such as Facebook, Twitter etc, you may need to contact a professional photographer. You can find someone whom is willing to make nice fun pictures of you or your family members for free online. If you do enjoy making movies like me (see below) i recommend great lighting, good audio, nice location and do try to look your best. You may want to use great apps on your iPhone for your photos such as Lipix, after light, photo collage,photo editor to work on your pictures.

Portret professional, photoshop and light rooms are also awesome for editing pictures.

I hope these tips inspires you!

I love you so so much.


More stylish outfits – Here 








