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BEAUTY, Shop My Courses

Shop My Online Digital Marketing Packages

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I am a published writer on AMAZON

The best thing about being a blogger is that I get to share with you all my lovely pictures, videos, online and offline courses, favourite items, favourite beauty and fashionable items, my lifestyle and more!

I offer online and offline ( face to face)  digital marketing and management courses such as ;

  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Email Marketing
  3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Advertising (SEA)
  4. Display and Video Advertising
  5. Website Optimization
  6. Digital marketing strategy
  7. Blogging
  8. mentoring
  9. Healthcare and selfcare management

I also promote and recommend brands on the top pages of this website under the column beauty, fashion, enterpreneurs, universities, movies, music on this website  and more on my websites below!


Blacknoir.me – Here

myfabulousbeauties.com – Here

www.ekenepatience.org – Here


Please contact me for further enquiries.

My prices range from 10, 30 euros upwards! I also offer video consultations.

Email – ekenepatience@yahoo.com

Whatsapp – +31683059224


Basic Dutch language and english language

Hello, I offer basic english language and dutch lesson!

Lesson 1 – Here

Lesson 2 – Here

Please find more informationHere




Ekene Patience

Whatsapp/call – +31683059224

Email – ekenepatience@yahoo.com

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here!

Shop my Stylish look – Here

Dutch/English Lesson – Here



Blacknoir.me – Here

myfabulousbeauties.com – Here

www.ekenepatience.org – Here


















How To Sell Your Photography Online!

Hello my beautiful friends and family, How are you today? I hope you all are doing well. This is a highly requested blog post. Many of you have been asking me, Ekene, how can we sell our photography, some of you make nature, abstract, model, street photography and more and wish to learn how to sell your photography

  1.  Instagram
  2.  Fotolia
  3. Shutterstock
  4.  Flickr
  5. Foap
  6. WhatsApp
  7. Amazon
  8.  bol.com
  9. Sell during exhibition

I have been a photo model for over a decade in Europ and Africa and I have attended several photography workshops. During these workshops, I learned you can sell photography in this above-mentioned site.

I have shot with over four hundred photographers in Europe and Africa in total. My pictures have been used for paid websites, exhibitions, building sites, portfolios, stock photos, books, posters, event flyers, magazines and more!

I make very lovely pictures and video and sell them, some of you have ordered a video of me dancing, singing, my morning routine, and also pictures of me in lovely outfits.

I am a photo model in Europe. Please do contact me if you wish to work with me

Thank you so much for reading my blog.


I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa








I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa

I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa








I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa


I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa

I am a model, beauty,makeup artist, business and health consultant, I am also a personal shopper. I can help you and yours shop for a travelling bag, lingerie, pictures cosmetics, drinks, clothes, furniture, shoes, hotel reservations, flight ticket, Visa

Model Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com





What I wore During My Recent Photosessions!

Hello my amazing friends and family, I hope you all are doing great! I enjoy taking pictures and also coaching others on how to create an awesome image! Would you like me to be your model or your stylist? Please do ask! I have been modelling for many years now. I did my makeup, styling during all my photo sessions. I also give a photography workshop. If you do want to learn about photography, great locations for shoots, lighting, photo editing tools and more! Please contact me, I would love to work with you.

My pictures have been used for exhibition, websites, calendar, books, billboards and more. I also give a workshop for makeup, hair styling, fashion styling for male and females. You might be wondering, why do I like creating images, well due to the fact that I went to beauty school in Rotterdam and a diploma in makeup, skincare, perfumery and cosmetics, I enjoy to express and share with the world my makeup skills via images. I am so happy because I have helped thousands of women worldwide to learn about makeup artistry by sharing my images and videos. It’s really great to help others learn!

Speaking of photography! Below are some cool shops you can buy a photo camera, lighting and more!

1.Media Markt

2. Cool blue

3. Bcc

4. Verschoore

Aside from modelling, I truly enjoy digital marketing. I help companies to create social media accounts and updates! Would you like me to manage your social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, blog, please do contact?

Thanks for stopping by!

I love you


Ekene Patience

I am a beauty, business and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please do contact me if you need my services. I can help you choose a business name, create a business plan, marketing and management.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, solar panels,  photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Beauty Salon – Here

Shop – Here

Hello dear! I am a photo model and  a beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me. xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com

Hello dear! I am a photo model and  a beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me. xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com

Hello dear! I am a photo model and  a beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me. xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com


Good day friends! I and my family has a jewellery company in Nigeria. Our warehouse is in Nigeria. We ship worldwide. Whole sellers and retailers are welcome. Please contact me for more info. ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.ekenepatience.com


shoe for sale.  Whole sellers and retailers are welcome  0657088182 www.ekenepatience.com

Older Pictures

Me, modelling

Me, modelling

ekene Patience



Pretty Photos!!

Hello, my amazing friends and family! Happy new year! I hope you all are doing great! I had so much fun, plenty of food and merriment during Christmas and new year day. The Netherlands is such a great country to celebrate Christmas and Newyear! Lots of fireworks, excited people and fun cities to visit such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam Breda and more! Many of you know I enjoy making a very nice picture, I started modeling over a decade ago. These are some of my lovely pictures. If you do need me to make a nice customized picture or videos, please let me know. My pictures have been used for a photography portfolio, books, DVD, exhibitions, workshop, museums and for websites.

Thank you all so much for reading my blog, for your support and encouragement! Wishing you all lots of joy, warmth, love, kindness, and prosperity this brand new year!

I love you.


Ekene Patience

I am a beauty, business and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please do contact me if you need my services. I can help you choose a business name, create a business plan, marketing and management.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, solar panels,  photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Beauty Salon – Here

Shop – Here


Good day friends! I and my family has a jewellery company in Nigeria. Our warehouse is in Nigeria. We ship worldwide. Whole sellers and retailers are welcome. Please contact me for more info. ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.ekenepatience.com

Good day friends! I and my family has a jewellery company in Nigeria. Our warehouse is in Nigeria. We ship worldwide. Whole sellers and retailers are welcome. Please contact me for more info. ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.ekenepatience.com

Good day friends! I and my family has a jewellery company in Nigeria. Our warehouse is in Nigeria. We ship worldwide. Whole sellers and retailers are welcome. Please contact me for more info. ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.ekenepatience.com

Good day friends! I and my family has a jewellery company in Nigeria. Our warehouse is in Nigeria. We ship worldwide. Whole sellers and retailers are welcome. Please contact me for more info. ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.ekenepatience.com


Hi  ya, I sell customised pictures! Please contact me if you are interested.xo www.ekenepatience.com

Hiya, I am a beauty, business, health  consultant and a Photomodel in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me xo www.ekenepatience.com WhatsApp +31633651998

Hiya, I am a beauty, health  consultant and a Photomodel in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me xo www.ekenepatience.com

HELLO LOVELIES, NEW AWESOME BLOG POST JUST WENT UP! www.ekenepatience.com Pleease like and share! xo Dior KLM Royal Dutch Airlines easyJet Ryanair Royalairmaroc.com

Hi dear. I sell my pictures and travel pictures on my flickr account. Please contact me if you are interested. I also make customised pictures and videos  whatsapp +31633651998  Ps my photos has been used for billboards, museums, restaurant decorations, i

Museum in dundee

My catwalk skills!




5 Businesses To Venture Into in 2018!

Hello, my amazing angels! I hope you all are doing well! Today I have decided to inspire you on five top business ideas you can venture in 2018! These business ideas would enable you to become self-employed and independent. You may decide to indulge in these businesses ideas as a part-time job. You would love these tips friends!

I have been a beauty and business consultant for several years now. I have helped several of my colleagues, family members, and friends to find a job, start their own businesses and also helped them with their social media and digital marketing ( business development) I am currently the student mentor of the University of Dundee in Scotland, I coach freshers(new students) on how to earn good grades during their studies, finance,  find a job, start their own business,socializing, management etc especially by writing on the school blog and via WhatsApp messenger.

Today’s blog post is to inspire you on 5 top business ideas. My oldest son inspired me to share with you this blog post, he is very talented, after making several beautiful pictures of me ( this first picture in the black dress was shot by him a few years ago in Mallorca Spain), I decided to inspire you all my great friends, fans and family.

  1. Real estate business
  2. Modeling
  3. Social media consultant
  4. Personal Shopper
  5. Photography

My Daddy has been a building contractor in Nigeria for over three decades now, he and his colleagues have built several schools, polytechnics, houses, business complex and more in Nigeria. He recently advised me to start a real estate business, he promised to guide and coach me. Real estate business is a very cool business to venture in. If you guys need help with buying or renting a house in Nigeria, Europe, please ask me I can give you some advice.

I have had the ample opportunity to work with over four hundred photographers in Europe, I still have their contacts, they were amazing, kind, very hardworking and talented. I have also learned a lot of photography skills during my photo sessions such s editing pictures with Lightroom, portrait professionals, photoshop and more.

I am also a social media consultant, I help companies to make pictures of their goods and services, post online and tag them, sometimes I build websites, update their social media pages.

I have been a personal shopper for over a decade, 11 years ago, when I visited the  Netherlands very frequently, my banker friends from Lekki Lagos Nigeria, my big family, friends, and neighbors in Treasure Garden Estate Lagos Nigeria then used to ask me to buy clothes, perfumes, telephones, iPad, laptops, mp3 players and more. I really enjoyed my personal shopping experience. I am still a personal shopper till date. Over a decade ago, We had two cars, a Chrysler pt, and a Grand Cherokee, I remembered driving often to ShopRite after a long day at work to buy luxurious makeup, clothes, shoes for my friends and family. I was a very busy woman and all my friends and family always loved all the items I picked out for them at the ShopRite shop in Lekki Lagos Nigeria. I have helped several of my friends with shopping for cars, electronics, furniture, cosmetics that was actually my part time job then.

I hope these tips inspired you.

I love you!


Ekene Patience

Donate – Here

Shop – Here


Thank you all so much for all your love, inspirations, and kind words. I truly appreciate it!


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



Hi angels, I make very pretty customised pictures.please order now. All the money earned would be donated to Amor Agendo stichting. www.ekenepatience.com +31620175330

Hi angels, I make very pretty customised pictures.please order now. All the money earned would be donated to Amor Agendo stichting. www.ekenepatience.com +31620175330

Hi angels, I make very pretty customised pictures.please order now. All the money earned would be donated to Amor Agendo stichting. www.ekenepatience.com +31620175330

Hallo! Mijn naam is Ekene. Bent u opzoek naar ervaren kapster voor bij u Thuis?Ik kan u Haar knipoem en zetten In model.Kleuren is ook mogelijke. Ik Knip dames, heren en kinderenWww.ekenepatience.com

Yupie! I had a fun filled shoot today! Iwish you all a fantastic weekend! xoxo Ekene Patience and family!  In case you need someone for our beautiful pictures, or a photo model in The Netherlands, Please contact me. I also do my make-up and styling. Pleas


Best Camera For Photography!

Hello my lovelies, I hope you all are doing great. In my opinion as a photo model for many years, the best camera for making pictures are as follow:

  • Olympus
  • Nikon D800
  • Canon EOS 5D MARK II
  • Canon EOS 5D 450D

You can find some of the cameras on bol.com, Verschoore Amazon  and on  Ebay!

Virtual reality in The Netherlands also has cool headphones, and video camera for filming.  See more info here


Ekene P


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

SHOP – Here

Ekene Patience



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Love love love my Virtual reality headphone – See more info HERE