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sally hansen


How To Make Your Nails Grow Longer And Healthier!

Hello friends!  Have you recently ditched acrylic nails and have decided to go natural? Well, you have made the right choice! Growing your natural nails is better. I have been a beauty consultant for almost a decade, I have done several manicure and pedicure. I truly enjoy doing manicure and pedicure because it helps me to be more relaxed. Today’s tip is on how you can make your nails look more healthier and fabulous.

  1. Eat healthier food. Food and fruits with essential vitamins are important. Lots of Fish, vegetables can help you grow healthier nails, aside from that, healthy food can help improve your sight. Drink lots of milk, Zalm fish and vegetables. De Tuinen en Kruidvat has awesome vitamins that can help you grow your hair and nails.
  2. Do not bit on your nails
  3. Use cuticle oil daily
  4. Use nail polish from Sally Hansen, Rituals or OPI
  5. File your nails often.

I hope these tips were helpful! I would love to learn from you how you take care of your nails and make them grow better, healthier and beautiful!

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here

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Hallo vrienden! Heb je onlangs acryl nagels gedumpt en besloten om natuurlijk te gaan? Nou, je hebt de juiste keuze gemaakt! Je natuurlijke nagels laten groeien is beter. Ik ben bijna tien jaar schoonheidsspecialist geweest, ik heb verschillende manicure en pedicure gedaan. Ik geniet echt van het doen van manicure en pedicure omdat het me helpt om meer ontspannen te zijn. De tip van vandaag is hoe je je nagels er gezonder en fantastisch kunt laten uitzien.

Eet gezonder eten. Voeding en fruit met essentiële vitamines zijn belangrijk. Veel vis, groenten kunnen u helpen gezondere nagels te laten groeien, maar daarnaast kan gezond voedsel uw site helpen verbeteren. Drink veel melk, Zalm vis en groenten. De Tuinen en Kruidvat heeft geweldige vitamines die je kunnen helpen je haar en nagels te laten groeien.
Breek niet op je nagels
Gebruik dagelijks nagelriemolie
Gebruik nagellak van Sally Hansen, Rituals of OPI
Dien je nagels vaak in.
Ik hoop dat deze tips nuttig waren! Ik zou heel graag van je leren hoe je voor je nagels zorgt en ze beter, gezonder en mooier laat worden!



See more here - www.ekenepatience.com





I do manicure and pedicure. Please contact me if you need my services. XO www.ekenepatience.com

Manicure donr by me

After look manicure  done by me


Pedicure done by me! Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com


Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Ekene Patience 2018! Hi lovelies! I hope you all are doing well. So many of my friends, family members and fans has been asking me so many questions, so I have decided to use this medium to answer all your questions 1.Which

Nail care tips

LIFESTYLE, Uncategorized

April Favourites!


Hello muffins! Please check out my April favourites! My birthday was on April!! Yuppie!!! I had so much fun!

I also created a video tutorial to inspire and show you the awesome items ( see below)

Please share with me what your current favourite items are!

I would love to hear from you.

bye for now Sugar!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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