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9 Top Supermarket!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family, how are you? I hope you all are doing well.

Today, i am going to share with you nine supermarkets in my own opinion.

1. Tesco
2. Sainbury
3. Asda
4. Dirk
5. Jumbo
6 Albert Heijn Supermarkt
7 Walmart
8 Morrisons
9 Spar

These above-mentioned supermarkets offer very delicious meal.

These above-mentioned supermarkets have digital presence.

On YouTube, you may be able to watch great videos presented by these supermarkets.

If you do wish to improve your cooking skills, you may watch their movies online.

Jamie Oliver is a great British chef to watch on YouTube.
He is a talented chef.

I have had the ample opportunity to have shopped from some of these above-mentioned supermarket.
Thank you so much for reading my blog post.


Ekene Patience

My new YouTube video – Here


FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

EKENEPATIENCE.ORG ‣ @ekenepatience.org



My gigs on Fiverr – Here

More Pretty Pictures on Pinterest – Here

Content Marketing and Photos on Blacknoir  – Here


Story book –Here

My YouTube Video – Here

My gig – here

Basic Dutch/English Lesson – Here

My Fabulous Beauties Blog Post – Here








My Favourite Supermarket In The Netherlands!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! I hope you all are doing great! This is a sponsored blog post. I was asked to share with you guys my favourite supermarket in The Netherlands and the reason why!

Below are my favourite supermarket

  1. Albert Heijn
  2. Jumbo
  3. Spar
  4. Netto Supermarket

I have been shopping with Albert heijn over a decade. I love their food and for the fact that they are open till 8 pm in Zeeland, also their customer service is terrific. Jumbo is also one of my favourites, I like the way Jumbo supermarket is decorated and wide range of food and drinks.  I used to shop at Netto market eight years ago when I was living in Rotterdam Zuid. Spar supermarket has very affordable food items. A few months ago, I was in Scotland, I shopped at Tesco, Asda and mark and Spencer supermarket, their food is also very nice. Over a decade ago, while i was living in treasure garden estate in Lagos Nigeria, I  shopped often at Shoprite supermarket in Lekki, Lagos Nigeria. The supermarket is so beautiful and big.

My friends and family, where do you shop for your food and drinks? I would love to learn from you!


Ekene Patience

I am a beauty, business and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please do contact me if you need my services. I can help you choose a business name, create a business plan, marketing and management.  My lovely angels, how do you promote, market your business in Europe or in Africa? I would love to learn from you.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators,  photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances,  flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Shope – Here

P.s. I am a beauty, health and business consultant in The Netherlands. Are you a male or female? Would you like to surprise your girlfriend, wife with a nice lipstick, eyeliner, lipgloss, perfume, lingerie, eyeshdow or do you need products from Europe for

Hi friends! Are you about to quit your present job and start a business in The Netherlands or in Nigeria? Please contact me. I can coach you on how to start a business. I have a masters in Management and Marketing from the Prestigious University of Dundee



Good day friends! I and my family has a jewellery company in Nigeria. Our warehouse is in Nigeria. We ship worldwide. Whole sellers and retailers are welcome. Please contact me for more info. ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.ekenepatience.com

Window shopping in Rotterdam

Hello dear! I am a photo model and  a beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me. xo Ekene Patience www.ekenepatience.com

Hello loves! Need these items from Europe? I can help you shop for them. I am a personal shopper. We ship worldwide please dm me. www.ekenepatience.com +31620175330


Hiya, I am a beauty, business, health  consultant and a Photomodel in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me xo www.ekenepatience.com WhatsApp +31633651998

Good day friends! I and my family has a jewellery company in Nigeria. Our warehouse is in Nigeria. We ship worldwide. Whole sellers and retailers are welcome. Please contact me for more info. ekenepatience@yahoo.com www.ekenepatience.com


Social media advertising tips


Albert heijn

Hello my beautiful friends! Please do contact me for your very affordable home cleaning and healthcare tips! xo www.ekenepatience.com

please order now. All the money earned would be donated to Amor Agendo stichting. www.ekenepatience.com +31620175330


Top Healthy Food For Healthy Looking You!

Hey sugar! I hope you all are doing great! I am so xcited to share with you some cool healthy food ideas that will make you healthier and fabulous.

For breakfast, oatmeal is so healthy, crackers and tonijn fish is  delicious. For lunch tomato soap is an awesome meal idea. In The Netherlands, we enjoy having cheese and bread for lunch.

Dinner meals are my favourites, I love Rice and chicken, especially the surinaams rice, potato cheese and lots f vegetables such as brocolli, green pepper. I love albert heign super market cheese! Aside from Albert heign supermaket i do shop at Spar , Emte and Jumbo. I truelly enjoy food. Do remeber to drink fresh orange juice on daily basis and lots of fruits and water!

My darlings, what are your favourite meal ideas? I do love to learn from you!

p.s. Aside from healthy meals, consisent exercise would help you look well nourished and healthy looking. boking and jogging is terrific for all.


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


Hé schatjes! Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie! Ik ben zo blij dat ik jullie enkele coole ideeën over gezonde voeding deel die je gezonder en fantastisch zullen uitzien.

Voor het ontbijt is havermout zo gezond, crackers en tonijn vis is heerlijk. Voor lunch is tomatenzeep een geweldig idee voor een maaltijd. In Nederland genieten we van kaas en brood voor de lunch.

Dinermaaltijden zijn mijn favorieten, ik hou van rijst en kip, met name de rijst van de surinaamse rijst, aardappelkaas en veel groenten zoals brocolli, groene peper. Ik hou van albert heign super market cheese! Afgezien van Albert Heijn supermaket winkel ik bij Spar, Emte en Jumbo. Ik geniet echt van eten. Vergeet niet om dagelijks vers sinaasappelsap te drinken en veel fruit en water!

Mijn lievelingen, wat zijn je favoriete maaltijdideeën? Ik vind het leuk om van je te leren!


Ekene Patience

Van der Valk HotelVan der Valk HotelVan der Valk HotelVan der Valk Hotel P1010465 P1010484

P1010358 sparP1010460 P1010461P1010352 P1010347 rotterdam
