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How To Earn Financial Assistance From The Dutch Gorvenment

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well. This is a commonly asked question. I have been asked several time, if I do receive financial assistance from the Dutch government, my answer is no. I do not receive financial assistance. I do currently have my own business. There are several criteria you need to meet before (uitkering) financial assistance can be granted.

  1. You have to apply for your self. If you have someone registered on your address, you need to register with the person registered on your address. If you have children registered on your address, you have to include all the names of your children on the application form. Uitkering would not be granted to you if you have someone living in your address and the person can not apply alongside with the man or woman on the address if he or she is a student and not allowed to apply for uitkering due to the fact that the person is a student and not allowed to apply for uitkering.
  2. You have to submit your bank statement for the application.
  3. You have to make sure you have a registered address.
  4. If you are receiving alimentation from your husband, you need to declare how much you are receiving.
  5. If you are pregnant, uwv uitkering may be granted to you if you do have your own registered business.
  6. If you are receiving study financing (duo) you may not be able to receive uitkering
  7. If you are a mummy, nursing a newly born baby and can not start working immediately, because you need to nurse your newlyborn precious baby, please do ask the dutch gorvenment for financial assistance

Over a decade ago, I received uitkering from the Rotterdam municipality for a couple of months, The rotterdam gorvenment also sponsored by studies at Beauty partners in Rotterdam in The Netherland.  after a while, my uitkering was stopped when I started studying at the university. I started living in Middelburg at the end of my study year ar Rotterdam University of Applied sciences.  A few years ago, I applied for uitkering, in zeeland, it ws not granted because the person registered at my address then could not apply for uitkering alongside with me because of studies. I have been working as a self employed.

If you not wish to apply for uitkering, and need to start your own business, you need to register with the chamber of commerce in The Netherlands (kvk). If you need more coaching regarding starting your own business, please do contact me.

My dear friends and family, I hope this blog post inspired you. Thank you so much for reading my blog. Good luck!


Ekene Patience
















The Ultimate Guide on Finding a Job!

Hello my lovelies, I hope you all are doing alright. I have coached many of my friends and family members to find a job or to become an entrepreneur. One of my aunt’s daughter is doing very well now in Lagos Nigeria, as a makeup artist, I remembered few years ago, I bought some cool make up items from The Netherlands, and gave some to her as a gift, she later started practising with makeup, now she is an independent t makeup artist, doing the makeup of very famous nolly wood actresses in Nigeria.

Today’s blog post is to inspire you on how to find a job and also some great advice for employers. According to a research carried out by LinkedIn, sixty percent of jobs are unadvertised. Open solicitation is a great way to find a job. Many international students has asked me for coaching on how to find a job as well. Most international students that came from Africa, China, India always faces challenges when they finish their programmes, some of them do wish to stay back in Europe to find a job, but most of them do not know how to go about it because of language barrier, new environment, cv customisation and so on. It is very important to have a job in order to be able to sustain one self.  Finding a job is not the key thing, but your ability to keep the job depending on your competencies and passion. My advice to you is to go for jobs that you are passionate about. Some skills such as time management, self-control, Social awareness.

Some cool sites for finding a job ASAP are as follow:
Gum tree
monster board
– job agencies such as Adecco, Tempo team.

Use key words when conducting research on google and be very specific.

Organisations should have good reputation and good role models to employees, be honest, self-aware, not deceitful, fairness, trust and has best interest of their employees at heart. A great organisations should also be able to create value for their employees. 


I hope this tips where helpful!

I love you


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I conduct workshop  for makeup, skincare, search engine optimization, website building and styling. If you need any of my services afore mentioned, please do not hesistate to contact me. my email address is ekenepatience@yahoo.com, many thanks in advance xoxoxoxo



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My very beautiful aunty and her talented daughter ( my cousin) I am so happy dear to have the same passion with you – makeup artistry!


Top Skin Care Tips 2018!

Hello my lovelies! Due to the fact that your well being is so important to me, I have decided to create this blog post to inspire you, For instance, At the University where I study masters in Management  in Scotland, a lot of students come to me to seek advice on how to have a smooth looking skin, especially the international student Africans) whom do struggle to find skin care items for darkskin. my plain advice to them is to use the basic items such as nivea, dove, Vaseline. I used to have the same challenges, but I got advice from fellow Africans whom has been living in Europe for decades.

  • Sleep at least 8 hours on daily basis
  • Drink lots of fresh orange juice, water and avoid excessive caffeine
  • eat salad
  • wash your makeup items/replace the brush, foam on weekly basis
  • eat a lot of vegetables
  • Nivea face wipes, day and night cream, bio oil, garnier face mask are amazing for skincare

I hope these tips where helpful! Please do share with me your skin care routine, I do love to learn from you.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience





Nivea wipes – HERE

Nivea Anti age creme – HERE










Fun Tips!!!

Hello my amazing friends! I hope you all are doing well. Please make sure you dress up properly before leaving your home so that you can avoid freezing, it is absolutely cold these days. Today, am so thrilled to share with you amazing tips on how to feel better, less lonely especially if you are living alone. During my studies at Rotterdam University, I learnt from my colleague whom was writing a thesis on Loneliness experienced by the elderly and it’s management. Well I learnt a lot from him, because he shared his thesis work with me.

See below some cool tips on how you can feel less lonely, especially if you are single, in school far away from your friends and family or an elderly. Here we go!!

  1. Read a lot, books helps you to keep your mind occupied, read awesome novels, books etc
  2. Watch Nollywood movies ( Nigerian movies) or Hollywood movies, there are a lot of movies these days on YouTube. You would love them.
  3. If you are an elderly, call your family often or have them call you. You can video call on WhatsApp or skype.
  4. Go for a walk!
  5. Indulge in a hobby such as cooking writing, jogging, photography singing, makeup
  6. Develop good relationship with your neighbours and make new friends, so you can visit them and chat.
  7. Adopt a child or a pet.
  8. Travel! Rent a hotel or Airbnb room somewhere in the world, hop in the plane and fly away!!!

I hope these tips where helpful! Please do share with me how you manage loneliness, I do love to hear from you. Please do share this article to inspire others too!

I love you so much.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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Ekene Patience

Ekene Patience

Ekene Patience


How to Become a Good Student!!!

Hello my amazing friends, I hope you all are doing well. I have so many students (young and old) as friends, so I was inspired to write this blog post to motivate and coach you a little bit on how to become a better student. I have been studying for many years. I have my bachelor of science  degree in Biochemistry, Bachelor of art in International Business and Management studies, currently doing my masters in Management.  I also studied in beauty branch to become a beauty consultant and also a diploma as a professional secretary from Penn foster in Scranton U.S.A Here we go:

  1. Always be punctual.
  2. Attend lectures, when you are not able to attend classes, inform your lecturers on time.
  3. Be a decent student, be polite to your colleagues, do understand that we all are different, especially if you are an international student in a University, we all have different culture and background.
  4. Attend library, read your books, look up articles and journals online for information
  5. Dress up well, practice personal grooming before going to school such as, brushing your teeth properly, taking your bath, wear neat cloths.
  6. Listen to your teachers attentively in class
  7. When test is coming, do study for it
  8. Do not practice exam malpractices such as copying

I hope you are inspired. I do love to hear from you your tips on how to become a better student.

p.s. I give free coaching on English Language  and Dutch language.

If you need some tips on how to improve your language skills mentioned above, do let me know

Whatsapp – +31617339446

I love you.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Shirt – H&M

Jean – Tommy Hilfiger


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