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Human Touch!

Hi lovelies, todays blog post is about human touch. In today’s world, we all are so busy with technology such as our phones, camera. In order to restore the human interaction, there is a need to keep in touch with one another, not remotely but through physical communication this can be mantained through social interation which would strengthen love , human relationship and maintain healthy pscyhology.

Through social interaction , you build healthy relationship which will some day develop into love. Socialisation involves physical interaction with human which can also be done through social media. Physical ( face to face interaction) is the main and best way of socialisation. Social media auguments socialisation but it is not a replacement.

Those that keep in touch with family and friends has less chances of being depressed, when you do isolate your self from friends and family it does lead to serious depression and health challenges. In essence it is very important to be with your parents, kids, family members physically as much as you can.

Love is  such a beautiful thing! We all need to give love and receive love. According to the music of Phil Collins, his lyrics goes like this ‘ my mama said , you can’t  hurry love, you just have to wait, love dont come easy, its a game of give and take.  Love one another and stay fabulous.

To my international friends abroad, try as much as you can to be in contact with your  relatives, parent, uncles, aunties, grand parents, friends abroad because the world has become a global village due to digitalisation. Have fun and do not forget to make lots of pictures  in order to remind you of all the great experience abroad.

I enjoy doing makeup, also, my new found hobby is painting. Painting your door, room,  kids room is a cool way to relax, it calms me down.

Thank you so much for reading!

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience


Hallo schatjes! de blogpost van vandaag gaat over menselijke aanraking. In de wereld van vandaag zijn we allemaal zo druk met technologie zoals onze telefoons, camera, om de menselijke interactie te herstellen, is er behoefte om contact te houden met elkaar, niet op afstand, maar via fysieke communicatie kan dit worden begeleid door sociale interactie,  die liefde, menselijke relatie zou versterken en gezonde psychologie zou plaatsvinden.


Door sociale interactie bouw je een gezonde relatie op die je op een dag zult ontwikkelen tot liefde. Socialisatie betekent fysieke interactie met de mens, wat ook via sociale media kan worden gedaan.

Lichamelijk (face-to-face interactie) is de belangrijkste en beste manier van socialisatie. Sociale media bevorderen socialisatie, maar het is geen vervanging.


Degenen die contact houden met familie en vrienden, hebben minder kans om depressief te zijn, wanneer u uzelf isoleert van vrienden en familie, leidt dit wel tot ernstige depressie en gezondheidsuitdagingen.


In wezen is het erg belangrijk om fysiek zoveel mogelijk met je ouders, kinderen en familieleden te zijn.

Liefde is zo mooi! We moeten allemaal liefde geven en liefde ontvangen. Volgens de muziek van Phil Collins gaat zijn tekst zo ‘mijn moeder zei, je kunt geen liefde haasten, je moet gewoon wachten, liefde komt niet gemakkelijk, het is een spel van geven en nemen. Heb elkaar lief en blijf fantastisch.


Aan mijn internationale vrienden in het buitenland, probeer zoveel mogelijk contact te houden met uw familieleden, ouders, ooms, tantes, grootouders, vrienden in het buitenland, omdat de wereld een global village is geworden door digitalisering. Veel plezier en vergeet niet om veel foto’s te maken om u te herinneren aan alle geweldige ervaring in het buitenland.


Ik geniet van het doen van make-up, ook mijn nieuw gevonden hobby is schilderen. Het schilderen van je deur, kamer, kinderkamer is een coole manier om te ontspannen, het kalmeert me.

Heel erg bedankt voor het lezen!

Ik hou zo veel van je!



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


Ekene Patience




A Love Letter To My Amazing Beauties Out There!

Hello my beautiful amazing family and friend, I would love to use this medium to say to you all that I love you all so so much! A very very successful entrepreneur inspired me over five years ago to write often blog post, he said to me,  by so doing, i do help to shine light on less priviledged ones whom would like to learn more about makeup, styling, fashion, self care tips, home care tips, so since then, i vowed to always share my little knowledge with you all the best way i can.

Today’s blog pose is especially to my beautiful friends and family out there, family, kids, friends, collegues, mates: So lets get started:

  1. Take good care of your self
  2. Beleive in your self
  3. Work hard
  4. Seek advice from persons whom can serve as a mentor to you
  5. Be kind
  6. Be respectful
  7. Be  generous
  8. Be humble
  9. Be prayerful
  10. Be relatable
  11. Be sweet
  12. Smile often
  13. Love deeper
  14. Be thankful!

I hope you are inspired, If you have a great message you want to share with the world, you would like me to write on my blog, please do no hesitate to contact me.

I love you so much!

stay fabulous!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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4 Ways To Achieve A Stress Free Lifestyle!

Hello my dearest friends,  I have been asked alot by my friends, fans, followers, family members tips on how to become happier. Some of us may become unhappy due to the fact they lost  job, contract lost a loved one or financially drained.  Some  people tend to use anti depressant to combat it. As a biochemist, I learnt during my study years there are some amazing ways you can actually become happier, fight depression and stress with out consuming drugs that can harm your health especially drugs with side effects.

Below are some of my tips:

  1. Distract your self, try as much as you can to look for something you love doing, become a photographer, start a  new study, babysiter, painter, join a dancing class and so on and so forth. look good on daily basis.
  2. Create balance and evacuate your self from an environment, jobs that is risky for your health and wellbeing. I do believe in the saying, health is wealth. Some of us do stay in a job that you love but might be dangerous, be very careful and make the right decision, please never risk your health no matter your circumstance.
  3. Build meaningful connection, make friends, reconcile with your self, fury or whom ever that has ever offended you. The word of God sttes that  God forgives us of all our sins as long as we forgive our neigbours.
  4. Visit musuems, zoo, go for date, jogging, makeover, manicure, pedicure, spa and so on.

I hope you are inspired.

Thank you so so much for reading. Please find video below with tips on how to become happier.

I love you.


Ekene Patience

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Work Wear!

HELLLLO 🙂 I hope everyone had a great week!!Since the weather has been much colder this year, and I can no longer rock my favourite summer outfits, which is more comfortable and practical. I love putting fun, uniqueness to my winter outfits when I have time, but I also love having a staple look each season that I can rely on when I don’t have the time to get creative.

Most of my friends in Nigeria has been asking me to buy items from Europe such as clothes, shoes. Perfumes, makeup and supply, If I had the money, I would love to start merchandising immediately! I guess I have to start saving seriously! There is high demand for European fashion in Africa. Recently, I discovered a site in The UK called everything5pounds and wish, it’s amazing! The web shop has male and female items

I hope you’re all having a great day!

Thank you so much for reading!


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


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How To Look More Stylish And Fashionable!


Hello muffins! I hope you all are doing great.

I was inspired by my very stylish and fashionable friends to write this blog post. My friends gave me ideas to share with you all on how to look very stylish on budget. One of my very stylish girl friend i know over a decade mentioned that you do not have to have alot of money to look stylish, you just have to know how to combine the write outfits.  I totally agree with her. Passion for fashion is the key and  essential in order to look great. I do admire some top fashionable personalities such as Tyra banks, Naomi Campbell, Victoria Beckham. I do read some great blogger’s post such as In The frow, and beauty by Carli bel, beauty by jj .

You may search on YouTube, vogue magazine , attend fashion shows for fashion inspirations and style.

Most of all, believe in your self and know that you are unique!

I hope you are inspired.

I love you


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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My Current Favourite Make-Up Look and Stylish Outfits

Hello pumpkins, Below I created an awesome video to share with you my current makeup look and stylish outfits. I also added some pictures, some of them were taken few years ago to inspire you on how to do your makeup, manicure and styling. In case you are in a hurry during summer period, you may just need the Mac fix powder and little bit of lipstick. I have been a big fan of Mac makeup products.

Please find below some of the beauty products  I love and use in creating my look

+ Mary Kay foundation
+ BE foundation
+ Urban Decay Pallete

+ Rimmel Brow This Way in
+ Rimmel Magnif’Eyes palette in London Nudes Calling
+ Max Factor False Lash Epic waterproof
+ Smashbox eye shadow pallete.

My current pair of jeans from Tommy Hilfiger I bought from Open 32 Goes in The Netherlands. You can shop awesome shoes from Omoda , De Bijenkorf, Manfield in The Netherlands.

Bol.com, Douglas, Ici parijs, Etos, Kruidvat, Parfum Star, The body shop has awesome makeup and cosmetics as well at very affordable prices for male and females.

I love shopping at Etos, in the Netherlands because there are always sales, e.g buy one and get one free. So when ever I want to buy my Dove shower gel, Nivea face mask, body spray, I buy them from Etos because am almost guarenteed I shall get one for free. You guys should be prudent when shopping so please always check out shops that has sales.

I love you so so much



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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Fun Weekend with a Top Dutch Models!!!

Hey lovelies, I hope you all are having a great week. Last weekend, I had the pleasure to do the beautiful makeup of this very talented and amiable model. She has been my photo model for over three years. Few years ago I did her makeup with that of several other young ladies during an organised event in zeeland.

Makeup is great way we all can use to enhance our look. My advice to all ladies in the house is to practice self love, take good care of your self, eat healthy, wear makeup, make sure you wash and keep all your makeup items clean and sterelised.

I hope you are inspired.

My white top, glasses is from Primark. My pretty queen star bag is a lovely gift from my sister in Nigeria, model has a black dress from Zara, jean from H&M, lipstick from Loreal, Black up foundation and powder from Makeup studio!!!

I love you.


Ekene Patience

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Health Care Tips !!!

Hey lovelies , I  hope you all are doing well. I recently created a video ( see below) to inspire you on how to  look  more  fabulous  and some heathcare tips. I used to work at de.tuinen and Kruidvat as assistent drogist. During my working experience with these prestigieus companies, I  learnt alot about how to give customers advice related to oral hygiëne, Hair care and skincare.

I purchased lots of vitamines from de tuinen; Etos and Kruidvat . Vitamins are essential for the body such as vitamine a, b,c, d, e and k for healthy skin, hair and body.

I also got  some  vitamines for free from my awesome doctor friend.

I was a photo model few years ago. I used to make awesome pictures then, i still do now but ocaasionally. Sometimes i get items for free after my phtosession. I have received lots of cloths jewelries shoes for free as a gift after my shoot.

As a young aspiring model, my advise to you is  always be polite, look decent and fabulous. In case a photographer does not have money to offer you as compensation,  ask for jewelries , cloths  etc.

I hope you are inspired

P.s i am always looking for photographers to help me expand my portfolio, please feel free  to contact me if you do like to work with me.

I love you.


Ekene Patience

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BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

How To Be Happier!!!

Hello muffins, I hope all is well!!! Jogging is a great way to boost your happiness level. I tend to jog at least once a week. Eating healthy is also essentials. I do pamper my self by giving moi  a nice gift such as perfume, good cosmetics, dress up, washing myself properly.

Avoid being fearful! Be more confident and confront your fears. You are perfect just the way you are. If you are in a bad relationship, change it, if you are having a bad diet, change it.  Do Always what you love doing! I love modelling, food, cooking, writing,  sports, makeup and I do that everyday!

Spending quality time with my friends and family makes me happier too! One of my very good friend gave me a great advice few years ago, when I was having difficult times then, he told me, stay closer to your friends and the once that loves you more when you are having challenging times!

Reading a listening to motivational audio is also a great way to boost your mood such as audio from Bob Proctor, Brian Tracey  Dani Johnson, Partricia Bright! Below, I made a video to inspire you with more tips!

I hope you are motivated to become more happy.

I love you so so much!


Ekene Patience



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