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Casual Summer Outfits





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Hello loves,  I hope you are having a a wonderful Summer Period, although it is often cold and rainy in The Netherlands I always get a lot of compliments whenever I wear these dresses on this tutorial! I would be wearing a lot of beautiful dresses this summer season, so please keep your eye on my channeI buy my dresses from Amazon, EBay, Nelly.com, De Bijenkorf, Newlook, H&M, We, in The Netherlands, Cool cat.  These shops has amazing cloths and for very affordable prices My shoes I usually buy them from Justfab, Ebay, Michael Kors, Omoda, Amazon, Manfield, Van Haren In The Netherlands.

My hair (wig) is from EBay. I am a Photo Model and a Beauty consultant In The Netherlands.  I also do Makeup, Manicure, Pedicure and Relaxation Massage.To maintain my hair curls, I use Dove and Seda conditioner. I also use hair pins to style and keep my hair in Place. I also wash my hair on weekly basis using warm water.For my second look, I am wearing a pretty Red Hair and a Red DressThese looks is ideal for date night, girl night out. My second outfit is from ww.nelly.com, I styled it with a Red Gele I got from Nigeria.

I hope these looks inspires you.Please do not forget to like, share, comment and subscribe to my Youtube channel .I am very thankful to every each one of you watching my videos, Thank you so so much! Please do leave your comment below to let me know what you like to see on my channel!www.fabulousbeauties.nl

P.S I do Makeup, Manicure, Pedicure and Makeup I am also a Photo Model. If you do need my services Please contact me by sending me an email ekenepatience@yahoo.com or visit www.fabulousbeauties.nl



Happy 2016!

Hello my amazing friends! I am so sorry I have not posted for a while! I have been very busy. How is your 2016 going so far? I feel like for me it’s going to be a year full of big positive changes both personally and professionally. How do I know that? Well, simple because I choose to envision it and believe it. What else is there left to do, haha? Life isn’t perfect, there are constant ups and downs, however whining and complaining is not an option and never makes it to my agenda anymore.

Stay positiveand believe in God!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


Ekene Patience


Accessories- Here

More stylish outfits- Here









Holidays in Spain LookBook

Few months ago, the weather was amazing in Europe, especially in Spain. I went with my family and it was amazing. The sea was blue and the weather was amazing in the beautiful city of Mallorca. I really enjoyed the meals too. I know it can get a bit boring to wear good sweater , winter coat and jeans everyday single day for months during  this winter months, so I decided to share with you some of my favorite summer looks to brighten up your winter days.
Let me know which one of the looks is your favorite and also I’d love to hear about your favorite ways of styling during your holidays

for outfit details + links!

Accessories- here

Outfit details – here

Ekene Patience



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Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Change your Look Change Your Life!







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Hellooo my beautiful friends! Today I decided to share with you the reason why looking your best is essential. By making your Hair Style, Makeup and Outfit styling, makes you feel better, your mood is better and your confidence level would be increased. It is so important for men and women to take good care of themselves. Personal grooming includes wearing neat cloths, stylish clean hair cut, Manicure and Pedicure.

I am a beauty consultant in The Netherlands and I can assure you looking good is good business. If I was looking unkept, you would not like to watch this movie or my photos, you would click it way. People judge you based on your appearance. Whether we like it or not.

If you change your look, you will change your life. Image or your appearance can make a huge impact in your life.  I usually look at my older pictures and comparing with my recent pictures to analyse what have changed, I have noticed that now I dress better, wear better makeup, and chose the right accessories. It is very important to pay attention to your appearance.

You have to make more time to look nice. We all do not have time, but we create time.

Understanding why you should dress up every day is essential and makes you stand out from the crowd.

Even if you have kids, and do not have sufficient time, you can make time.  Use more time for yourself instead of spending more time on Instagram, Facebook admiring other people’s photos. Putting a little makeup using little concealer, lip-gloss is so important. When people look at you, they look at your hair, nails, and outfit.

It is fine to accept yourself the way you are, but it is important to add extra effort in dressing up.For your hair, you can just blow dry it, add a little serum and make it look nicer.

You do not have to wear expensive clothes or makeup to look great, you can wear affordable makeup from drugstore such as Kruidvat, Iciparis, and Douglas. Cloths from V&D, De Bijenkorf, We, Nelly, Asos are great shops to shop.

Let’s not forget food. Good healthy balance is great. Working hard is also a must!

You can watch some YouTube videos to get  you inspired on how to dress properly and do better makeup. It will help you a lot!

I hope these tips inspires you!

I love you so so much


Ekene Patience

My stylish looks – HERE

Accessories- HERE


My Photos

Hello lovelies! I have been a photo model for more than ten years and yet, its still my favourite hobby and passion! I love modelling because its the best way I can express my self. Since I was little , I have been a very quite person.I have done four beauty pageants and won twice . I have done shoots with more than 300 photographers in europe! Modelling enables me to be more creative and provides the opportunity to work with very talented photographers. I have done photo shoot in Europe and Africa in countries such as Nigeria, Spain, Italy , Belgium, Germany and France. My photos has been used for websites, exhibition, posters, books, stock photos, magazines. I hope these pictures inspires you!

Stay beautiful!


Ekene Patience

Accessories- www.watchstar.nl





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