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My Favourite Outfits 2018!

Hello sugar! Check out my current favourite outfit! You do not need alot of cloths to look great, you just need few quality clothing items and make sure they are always clean, ironed and do use great perfumes everyday after dressing up to feel and smell nice. I love perfumes from The Body shop, Channel, Guerlin, Dior, Escada, Gucci, Prada, Dolce and gabana, DKNY.  Some of these cloths, i wore in this blog post, I have for several years, maintenance is the key to maintain your clothing items. When washing your cloths, try to seperate, for instance do not wash coloured cloths with white cloths, it would damage the white cloths. Wash with great scented detergents such as lenor!

Kika in the netherlands supports kids with cancer, please do donate to kika if you can! ( not sponsored).

Please share with me your current favourite outfits, i do love to learn from you.

I love you


Ekene Patience


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