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Best Scottish Hotels!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family, how are you? I hope you all are doing well. Today, i am going to share with you the best Scottish hotels in my own opinion

These above-mentioned hotels offer great customer service and beautiful rooms to their customers. Aberdeen, Glasgow and Edinburgh are very famous cities in Scotland.


There are also some great universities in Scotland, universities such as University of Edinburgh, University of Dundee and many more! Many students from different countries likes to study at Scotland. If you wish to stay at a very good hotels with reasonable price, you may want to spend the night at one of these above-mentioned university!


It is advised to book few days ahead of time in order to be able to acquire a very affordable room rate! Sun web, Trail finders travel agency Edinburgh may be able to help you with great hotel deals and more recommendations!


Are you living in The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Paris or any other country, I do encourage you to lodge at these above-mentioned hotels!

I am a freelance student mentor.


I hope this blog post inspired you


Thank you so much for reading my blog!



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FABULOUS BEAUTIES FOOD ‣ @fabulousbeautiesfood.com

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10 Cool Things You Can Do Everyday To Improve Your Life

Hello my amazing fabulous beauties in the house!!! This blog post is dedicated to you in order to inspire you on how you can invest your time and energy in lucrative activities! Without much further ado, lets get started!!!

  1. Sing- Pratice singing, sing praises to God.  if you can not sing, join a music class, you might end up becoming so famous!
  2. Travel, If you do have an european passport, you can visit countries such as Spain, Greece for very affordable prices. Traveling helps you to become more educated, accomodating and versatile. Companies such as Sunweb has great holiday packages at very affordable prices
  3. Get out in nature. Go for walk with your loved ones, spend quality time together visit the streams, hiking, biking. If you are married, go for a dinner date with your husband or wife, plan a secret getaway or do  a simple picnic.
  4. Exercise. Exercise makes you look smarter, happier and feel better.
  5. Practise gratitude, be grateful for your loved ones, kids, family friend, job, gratitude helps to improve your relationship.
  6. Write, write a blog, keep a journal. writing helps to relax the brain. Keeping a journal helps you let go and forgive.
  7. Mediation is also awesome, meditate every day.try to pracise yoga at home. You may watch YouTube videos for inspiration
  8. Declutter your life, try to practice minimalism, live simply, you do not need to have all the best cloths, houses, cars to be happier. just live!!!
  9. Eat healthy food everyday.
  10. Relax, pursue your hobby, keep doing what you love no matter the circumstance.

I hope these tips were hepful!!!
I love you so so much!!!


Ekene Patience










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Fun Pictures from Spain!

Hey muffins, I hope you all are doing well! I had an awesome stay with my family in Spain!

Mallorca is such a beautiful place, we really enjoyed hanging out by the se side. We got great deal with Sun Web a ticketing agency in Holland!

Ladies, I hope these outfits inspires you on how to style your self during your holadays!

Few years ago, we also visited Nigeria and  Creta Greece ( please video below)

I love you


Ekene PatienceDSC06440 DSC06453 DSC06459 DSC06471

Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Holidays in Spain!

I and my amazing family had an awesome holidays in Mallorca Spain! Spain is a great place to live, visit, have fun. The food there is perfect! We were at the beach alot! The night life and hotels there is superb! You can book for holidays at Sunweb in The Netherlands. Klm also has fare rates for your trips without delays and stress!

I wore several styles outfits during my family vacation in Spain. If you ask anyone what style means to them, chances are the majority are going to have some variation of this answer: Style is expression. From the shoes on your feet to the jewels around your neck, fashion gives us a chance to explore different ways to express ourselves. I’ve always seen style as confidence-building; as an adolescent and a young adult I always had reservations about how to dress myself and what I could and couldn’t experiment with. But I’ve become so comfortable with the idea of testing out different styles that I may not normally have thought were “me,”
I hope these looks inspires you!
je tem!

I highly recommend spain for your next holiday destination!

p.s. I created a vlog in The Netherlands recently, Please find the video beow!


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Awesome Greece Holidays!

Hi muffins, few years, ago, I had an awesome holidays in Creta Greece! Hope this video inspires you! Crete Greece is an awesome country, the weather is nice and the food is delicious.!