Merry Christmas and happy new year to my friends, fans and family members
If you wish to shop for delicious meals for this festive season celebration, I do ad5vice you to shop from these above-mentioned supermarkets.
Ramsey Gordon and Jamie Oliver are great chef, you may want to improve your cooking skills by watching their great videos on YouTube, this mentioned chef prepares very delicious and presentable meals!
Do remember to send gift, season greetings cards to your loved ones!
Albelli is a great website for creating customized greeting cards, i have used the services of Albelli, the company offers very good customer service
I wish you all a very merry Xmas and happy New year!
Hello, my beautiful friends and family! I hope you all are doing great! This is a sponsored blog post. I was asked to share with you guys my favourite supermarket in The Netherlands and the reason why!
I have been shopping with Albert heijn over a decade. I love their food and for the fact that they are open till 8 pm in Zeeland, also their customer service is terrific. Jumbo is also one of my favourites, I like the way Jumbo supermarket is decorated and wide range of food and drinks. I used to shop at Netto market eight years ago when I was living in Rotterdam Zuid. Spar supermarket has very affordable food items. A few months ago, I was in Scotland, I shopped at Tesco, Asda and mark and Spencer supermarket, their food is also very nice. Over a decade ago, while i was living in treasure garden estate in Lagos Nigeria, I shopped often at Shoprite supermarket in Lekki, Lagos Nigeria. The supermarket is so beautiful and big.
My friends and family, where do you shop for your food and drinks? I would love to learn from you!
Ekene Patience
I am a beauty, business and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please do contact me if you need my services. I can help you choose a business name, create a business plan, marketing and management. My lovely angels, how do you promote, market your business in Europe or in Africa? I would love to learn from you.
p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop here
Hello my beautiful friends! How is your 2018 going so far? I feel like for me it’s going to be a year full of big blessings and greatness. How do I know that? Well, simple because I choose to envision it and believe it. Always think positive and be optimistic because everything that happens to you both good and bad does happen for a reason.
Happy kings day my lovely Dutch family!!! Life is full of ups and down, it our ability to stay strong and hold on tight that really what matter. Below are some of my recent pictures with some of my favorite items for the month 2018. I love the fact that my birthday was in April, and that of my son and some of my friends. I also love my Gucci Flora perfume, My new dress from Quiz, my cute manicure I made in Edinburgh airport, my pretty hair, I also have been listening to Adele a lot, she is a fantastic musician. Aside from Adele, I love listening to Davido, The weekend and Rihanna. I am so thankful for my Tesco gift card, its been awesome shopping with Tesco in Scotland. My favorite drink has been earl grey thee, juice and mint thee. I also love drinking the healthy smoothies.
I enjoy travelling a lot, I usually patronize Easy jet when travelling, EasyJet has very affordable tickets to united kingdom.
What are your April favorites my friends? I do love to learn from you.
Hi lovelies, Here are some of my current favourite food items. Healthy diet is essential for healthy looking skin. Food rich in omega 3 would help you achieve a glowing skin. Cooking from scratch is healthier, buy your own vegetables from the supermarket and prepare fresh meals everyday. Drinking lots of water and good night rest helps you to achieve lovely skin as well. Please do avoid ingesting too much carbohydrate rather consume meals with high protein content such as fish, milk, egg and lean meat.
Little carbohydrate and lots of fruits and vegetables would help you achieve a healthier looking skin. Too much sugar intake is bad for your health. if you can, abstain from high volume of alcohol intake and smoking. Consuming good healthy food will make you look more trimmed, healthy and keep you fit. Exercise is an essential way to tone your muscle, induces excretion and helps you look and feel better. You may want to wash your self at least twice everyday use face mask, facial scrub, day and night cream for your skin treatment as well. Please find below a video with my skin care routine. Kindly share with me your skin care regime, I do love to learn from you .
By the way, Whether you are big, small fabulous, I still do love you just the way you are!
Hi dear, I am so thrilled, today I was approached by skinnycoffee to become their brand ambassador.I have been so lucky to have been in contact with some cool companies such as Thank you so much for sending me these amazing products, I have also been fortunate to receive other cool gifts such as weaves, shoes, cloths Tesco gift card, how amazing! Well Skinny coffee has inspired me to write this blog post. Do you know that you can lose wait while drinking an amazing coffee, yes. Skinny coffee has a lot of brand ambassadors that has great testimonies.
Some more awesome tips on how to lose wait are as follows:
Eat steam and baked food. Prepare meals with lean fat meat such as dear, turkey, chicken and eat lots of fish such as salmon.
Drink ice cold water everyday at least six cups.
Drink thee or coffee!
Buy snacks that benefit you, avoid too much chocolates and chips.
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Eat five to six mini meals frequently everyday instead of three bunch of food such as breakfast, lunch and dinner, make sure that your mini meals are healthy.
Exercise frequently, do a lot of jogging, running and long walk.
Watch funny videos as well, studies has discovered that laughing real hard helps you to burn calories.
prepare home made smoothie, check out my video below to learn how to.
Do 20 sit ups at least every morning when you wake up. This helps you to burn belly fat
P.s. Please take general care of your self. I mean, wash your self daily, your hair, teeth, personal grooming. Be well kept. love you and stay fabulous alright!