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Turkish Airlines


Top Airline Companies!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family, how are you? I hope you all are doing well. Today, I am going to share with you top airline companies in my own opinion.

  1. Klm
  2. Air France
  3. Turkish airlines
  4. American Airline
  5. Brussels Airline
  6. Delta Airline
  7. Qatar airlways


These above-mentioned airlines commutes passengers from one place to another.

It is adviced to book ticket one week ahead of time in order to be able to get very good rates. You may buy tickets online from the above-mentioned airlines diretly from their websites or from wakanow or Solite Global Travels.

Are you planning to travel for holidays this festive season, i do recommend you travel with these above-mentioned airlines, their staffs are friendly, they do offer professional customer service and more.


I hope this blog post inspired you. Do read more about airlines and more on blacknoir.me

Thank you so much for reading my blog



Ekene Patience





How To Relax after a Long Trip!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family.  How are you? I hope you are doing fine. Traveling or moving from one place to another can be exhilarating and time-consuming.

In as much as possible traveling and discovering a new place is very important for self-development, experience, learning,  meeting your life partner, making new friends, and creates opportunities to visit loved ones such as family members. The following tips would enable you to have a blissful trip;

1.  Relax with a headset of VR-i

2. Eat healthy meals

3. Exercise.

4.Visit a sauna or spa

5. become creative by writing books, sketching, or by creating music

6 . catch some good sleep

7.  Listen to my latest song here

Sometimes, I get really tired after a long trip. For example, if you have spent 6 to 10 hours in an airplane flying from Lagos to Amsterdam, Paris, or Spain, the tendency of tiredness would be present.

If you do wish to travel abroad, I do recommend you travel with KLM or Turkish airways.

Thank you so much for listening and for reading my blog.

I hope these tips inspired you.


Ekene Patience

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4 Favourite Airlines I Love To Fly With!

Hello, my beautiful angels! I hope you all doing well! Some of my fans and blog readers have told me that they have never flown because they do have flight phobia. I always advised you guys not to be afraid, there is nothing wrong with flying. Traveling is an awesome way of discovering the world and learning. I remembered the first time I set my feet in The Netherlands, I was blown away. I loved how tidy Schipol airport, my new friends then, the beautiful perfumery shops, I remembered buying so many perfumes then and also some drinks, chocolate, mp3 players and more for friends and family in Nigeria. Close to where I used to live back then, I used to buy my channel chance perfume at the Ici paris xl shop in Amsterdam. Shopping in The Netherlands is great. My friends, family in the United Kingdom, United States, South Africa and other parts of the world, I truly recommend your visit to The Netherlands. Below are some of the airlines I enjoy flying with

  1. Emirates
  2. Klm
  3. Singapore Airlines
  4. Turkish Airlines

The reason I prefer these above-mentioned airlines is due to their top-notch customer services and considerations. For example, a Few years ago, I used to fly business class with KLM, ( how come you may ask? Can I afford it? No, I can’t, but then KLM they allowed us to swop sits). I truly enjoyed their food as well. Emirate airlines ladies do dress very well.  I do advice you guys to buy tickets online as well on www.cheaptickets.nl and via tui.nl, they do have very affordable tickets. In Nigeria, there are also great airlines such as Arik air, easy jet,  aero contractors  British airways and airpeace Nigeria. These airlines fly national and international.

My adorable friends and family, where do you buy your flight tickets from? I would love to learn from you!

My younger sister sell flight ticket and reserves hotels for her clients worldwide! The name of her flight agency is Solite global travels.  Are you traveling to Newyork, Singapore, London or Japan soon?

Please contact me or Solite global travels for your affordable ticket. Thank you so much for reading. Please kindly like, comment and share this blog post!


Ekene Patience

Hallo iedereen! Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie allemaal! Sommige van mijn fans en blog-lezers hebben me verteld dat ze nog nooit gevlogen hebben omdat ze wel vluchtfobie hebben. Ik heb jullie altijd geadviseerd om niet bang te zijn, er is niets mis met vliegen. Reizen is een geweldige manier om de wereld te ontdekken en te leren. Ik herinnerde me de eerste keer dat ik in Nederland kwam,, ik werd weggeblazen. Ik hield van hoe opgeruimd de luchthaven van Schiphol, mijn nieuwe vrienden, de prachtige parfumeriewinkels, ik herinnerde me dat ik toen al zoveel parfums kocht en ook wat drankjes, chocolade, mp3-spelers en meer voor vrienden en familie in Nigeria. In de buurt van waar ik toen woonde, kocht ik mijn kanaalkansparfum in de winkel Ici paris xl in Amsterdam. Winkelen in Nederland is geweldig. Mijn vrienden, familie in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, de Verenigde Staten, Zuid-Afrika en andere delen van de wereld, ik raad je echt aan om naar Nederland te komen. Hieronder zijn enkele van de luchtvaartmaatschappijen waarmee ik graag vlieg.

  1. Emirates
  2. Klm
  3. Singapore Airlines
  4. Turkish Airlines

De reden dat ik de voorkeur geef aan deze bovengenoemde luchtvaartmaatschappijen is te danken aan hun uitstekende klantenservice en overwegingen. Een paar jaar geleden vloog ik bijvoorbeeld businessclasses met KLM (hoe komt het dat u zich afvraagt? Kan ik het betalen? Nee, dat kan ik niet, maar toen hebben KLM ons toegestaan om te slopen). Ik heb echt genoten van hun eten. Emiraatluchtvaartmaatschappijen kleden zich heel goed. Ik raad jullie aan om ook online kaarten te kopen op www.cheaptickets.nl en via tui.nl, ze hebben zeer betaalbare tickets. In Nigeria zijn er ook grote luchtvaartmaatschappijen zoals Arik air, easy jet, aero contractors British airways en airpeace Nigeria. Deze luchtvaartmaatschappijen vliegen nationaal en internationaal.
Mijn lieve vrienden en familie, waar koop je je vliegtickets vandaan? Ik zou heel graag van je leren!

Mijn jongere zus verkoopt een vliegticket en reserveert hotels voor haar klanten over de hele wereld! De naam van haar vluchtagentschap is Solite global travels. Reist u binnenkort naar Newyork, Singapore, Londen of Japan?
Neem contact met mij op of Solite global travels voor uw betaalbare ticket. Heel erg bedankt voor het lezen. Wilt u alstublieft deze blogpost alstublieft toevoegen, becommentariëren en delen!
Ekene Patience



Happy weekend friends! xo @ekeneaart www.ekenepatience.com

Hello! I am a personal shopper in Europe. Please contact me if you need these beautiful items xo WhatsApp- +31620175330

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