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How To Earn Financial Assistance From The Dutch Gorvenment

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well. This is a commonly asked question. I have been asked several time, if I do receive financial assistance from the Dutch government, my answer is no. I do not receive financial assistance. I do currently have my own business. There are several criteria you need to meet before (uitkering) financial assistance can be granted.

  1. You have to apply for your self. If you have someone registered on your address, you need to register with the person registered on your address. If you have children registered on your address, you have to include all the names of your children on the application form. Uitkering would not be granted to you if you have someone living in your address and the person can not apply alongside with the man or woman on the address if he or she is a student and not allowed to apply for uitkering due to the fact that the person is a student and not allowed to apply for uitkering.
  2. You have to submit your bank statement for the application.
  3. You have to make sure you have a registered address.
  4. If you are receiving alimentation from your husband, you need to declare how much you are receiving.
  5. If you are pregnant, uwv uitkering may be granted to you if you do have your own registered business.
  6. If you are receiving study financing (duo) you may not be able to receive uitkering
  7. If you are a mummy, nursing a newly born baby and can not start working immediately, because you need to nurse your newlyborn precious baby, please do ask the dutch gorvenment for financial assistance

Over a decade ago, I received uitkering from the Rotterdam municipality for a couple of months, The rotterdam gorvenment also sponsored by studies at Beauty partners in Rotterdam in The Netherland.  after a while, my uitkering was stopped when I started studying at the university. I started living in Middelburg at the end of my study year ar Rotterdam University of Applied sciences.  A few years ago, I applied for uitkering, in zeeland, it ws not granted because the person registered at my address then could not apply for uitkering alongside with me because of studies. I have been working as a self employed.

If you not wish to apply for uitkering, and need to start your own business, you need to register with the chamber of commerce in The Netherlands (kvk). If you need more coaching regarding starting your own business, please do contact me.

My dear friends and family, I hope this blog post inspired you. Thank you so much for reading my blog. Good luck!


Ekene Patience











