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Learn Biochemistry At These Universities!

Hello my beautiful friends and family, how are you? I hope you all are doing well.

Today, i am going to share with you 7 top universities in the world you can study biochemistry at in my very own opinion;

1. University of Dundee
2. University of Nigeria Nsukka
3.  University of Edinburgh
4.  University of Newyork
5. University of Amsterdam
6. University of Harvard

Biochemistry is the study of chemistry of the biological components in the body. During the study of biochem, you tend to study biology, chemistry, statistics and other fun topics.

The study of biochemistry is fun because you tend to study about enzymes, catalysis, electron, neutrons and protons.

I am a biochemist. I strongly advise you study biochemistry at the above mentioned universities, you would love it. Would you like to learn online about basic topics related to  biochemistry?  how the body reacts, about saponification, estherification, atoms,  electrons, protons, neutrons, molecules, compounds, hydrocarbons, titration, osmosis, diffusion, sterilisation, catalysis, please chat with me via whatsapp. I do recommend you study biochemisty by reading stryer text book

Thank you so much for reading my blog.


Ekene Patience


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Essential Items A Student Needs!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well. I have been asked very frequently by some of my blog readers, family members, and more essential items a student needs in order to achieve good grades and study successfully! Below is a list of items, amenities in my opinion in order to achieve great studies. I have a BSc. in Biochemistry, a bachelor’s degree in International business and management studies, and a master’s degree in Marketing and management. I also have several other diplomas. I was a student mentor during my master’s studies a few years ago.

  1. A good internet connection and television/radio in order to view channels such as CNN, BBC, and so on.
  2. Basic clothing such as shoes, jeans, t-shirts, dresses, tidy hair, perfume, nails, makeup, books, schoolbag and more
  3. Great accommodations for your studies
  4. Pocket money for trains, busses, groceries, and more.
  5. Blanket, bed linen and pillow
  6. textbooks
  7. A nice telephone, laptop for communication

During my first year of studies at the university studies at Anambra State University Uli, currently known as Chukwuemeka Odumegwu University, I received my very first triumph phone as a gift. I was so happy. Then I could call my mummy, daddy, relatives,  friends, and family with the phone. I really enjoyed my university studies than in Nigeria, hanging out with friends at school,  sleeping at my girlfriend’s room, I had a very small room then as a student but was able to entertain so many classmates in a day we studied together, eat together, took a nap together, motivated and inspired each other every day. Great memories!

I hope you guys enjoyed my blog post. Please do share with me how you spent your days at the university, where you always alone, eat alone, slept alone, did your home works all by your self, did not motivate your colleagues, or were you an extrovert, had many friends, studied with friends. I love to learn from you.

Thank you so much for reading.


Ekene Patience












Top Skin Care Tips 2018!

Hello my lovelies! Due to the fact that your well being is so important to me, I have decided to create this blog post to inspire you, For instance, At the University where I study masters in Management  in Scotland, a lot of students come to me to seek advice on how to have a smooth looking skin, especially the international student Africans) whom do struggle to find skin care items for darkskin. my plain advice to them is to use the basic items such as nivea, dove, Vaseline. I used to have the same challenges, but I got advice from fellow Africans whom has been living in Europe for decades.

  • Sleep at least 8 hours on daily basis
  • Drink lots of fresh orange juice, water and avoid excessive caffeine
  • eat salad
  • wash your makeup items/replace the brush, foam on weekly basis
  • eat a lot of vegetables
  • Nivea face wipes, day and night cream, bio oil, garnier face mask are amazing for skincare

I hope these tips where helpful! Please do share with me your skin care routine, I do love to learn from you.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience





Nivea wipes – HERE

Nivea Anti age creme – HERE










Awesome Graduation Party Vlog – Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences!

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Hello Muffins! Thank you for watching. This is an awesome vlog to share with you my Graduation experience at Rotterdam Business school.

I recently graduted from Rotterdam University of Applied sciences. I am so elated and had an awesome time! Few years ago, I started my University studies at Inholland University in Rotterdam i did my third and fourth year study at Hogeschool Rotterdam.  During my study, I met and made friends with lots of national and international student whom came from different countries to study in the Netherands.

I did my digital minor in Digital marking, I also gave lectures at one occasion at Rotterdam Univeristy of appied sciences to my felow students, I taught them how to build a website and social media marketing due to the fact that i had my business fabulous beauies ( http://www.fabulousbeauties.nl/) , after the lecture, i got some great feedback fom my colleagues on how to improve my website and social medial activities. I am realy passionate about blogging, seo, marketing and sales. I and my team members did some great projects for companies such as Mobbr, Izifes, etc. I have been inspired by some great makeup artist, social media enthusiastic peope and also by my great lecturers. Rotterdam is a fabulous city to study there are lots of international business opportunities there. I highly recommend Rotterdam univeristy and applied sciences school for your studies, or Erasmus univeristy. When I can newly to the Netherlands, I wanted to study at Erasmus university,  I was not so good at statistics, that was the reason i did not gain admission at Erasmus University.

In Nigeria, I did my studies of Biochemistry at Anambra State University, presently known as Odumegwu Ojukwu Univeristy, then during  my final year study, I went with my fellow student to University of Nigeria, the best university in Nigeria to write my thesis on Anti diarrhoea effect of Combretum dolichopetalum plants on Diarrhoe. We did the test on Swiss albino rats. At Rotterdam University i wrote my thesis on Export of  Jacaranda trading b.v. mobile hospital to Nigeria.  One of the findings of my thesis research is that there is enormous amount of demand of martenal mobile hospital, laboratory in Nigeria.

I hope this vlog inspires you. Thank you so much for all your love, support and encouragements.

 Love you.


 Ekene Patience