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university of Cambridge


Top Universities!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family, how are you?

I hope you all are doing well.

Today, I am going to share with you nine top universities in my own opinion.

1. University of Oxford
2. Cambridge University
3. University of Edinburgh
4. University of Dundee
5. University of Ibadan
6. University of Housten
7. University of Leiden
9. University of Gent
10. Hogeschool Rotterdam
11. Hogeschool Zeeland
University study is very important.
Many Nigerian, European and American parents love to send their children abroad for great education.

If you are a Nigerian, American or a European, and wish to achieve great education, i do advice you study at these universities i have mentioned.

These above universities have great study curriculum.

The United States has great universities for studies such as The University of Housten and The University of Newyork.

I am a freelance student mentor, please do contact me if you do need some mentorship in regard to the best study.

Thank you so much for reading, please do remember to subscribe to my chanel


Ekene Patience


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Qualities of A Good Student!

Hello my beautiful friends and family! Thank you so much for visiting my site. Today, I am going to share with you top qualities of a good student.

Top qualities of a good student are;

  1. Be kind to your fellow student
  2. Be on time for lectures
  3. Read your books
  4. Do some research on the best schools before you start your studies
  5. Take your studies seriously
  6. Do your assignments on time
  7. Go to bed early
  8. Make friends and study together with your fellow students
  9. Buy text books for studies
  10. Eat properly, make sure you have some extra money on you if need be, you can buy some vitamins supplements.
  11. When you are writing your thesis, make sure you write it properly, a great thesis will enable you to pass and achieve your university degree.

Are you planning to study at Oxford university London, Cambridge, university of dundee, Erasmus university or at hogeschool Rotterdam, cool! You have done so well for your self! Please make sure you study well in order to excel.



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