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university of dundee


Best Universities

Hello, my beautiful friends and family, how are you?  I hope you all re doing well. Today, i am going to share with you great Universities in my own opinion

These above-mentioned universities offer great study opportunities to students

Pennfoster is a great online career school known worldwide

If you wish to earn a diploma in profesional secretary, business and a diploma in other subjects , i do encourage you to study at Penn foster

The school fees is very affordable

London business, university of Dundee and the university of Edinburgh also offers good study opportunities

I have had the ample opportunity to have studied online at penn foster scranton

I had a great study experience

Are you living in lagos , belgium or spain, i do encourage you to study at tje



Great Universities

Hello, my beautiful friends and family, how are you, i hope you all are doing well, today am going to share with you top notch universities in my opinion



  1. Oxford University
  2. The school of Life Amsterdam
  3. Harvard University
  4. University Of Groningen
  5. Madonna University 
  6. University Of Cambridge
  7. Baze University Abuja
  8. University of Dundee
  9. University of Edinburgh
  10. University of St Andrews
  11. King University Saudi
  12. Igbenedion University
  13. Madonna University
  14. University of Lagos Nigeria
  15. Hogeschool Zeeland
  16. Hogeschool Rotterdam
  17. Vrije University Amsterdam
  18. University of Amsterdam
  19. Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University
  20. Delta State University
  21. University of Housten Texas
  22. University of Gent Brussels
  23. University of Leiden
  24. University of Utrecht
  25. Inholland Univeristy Rotterdam
  26. Techniche University Delft
  27. Enugu State University



These above-mentioned universities offer great study opportunities to their student.

It is advised to study hard as a student in order to achieve good grades.





The Netherlands is a very famous country, Cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam are well known worldwide. There are several cool universities that offers outstanding tutoring and more


Universities such as Vrije University Amsterdam, Erasmus University, Hogeschool Rotterdam and more.



University of Edinburgh, University of Dundee are great schools in Scotland.





You may want to send an email or give these schools a phone call if you do have any intention to start a new study.


I am a freelance student mentor, do contact me if you wish to work with me






Thank you so much for reading my blog






Ekene patience






My websites

EKENEPATIENCE.ORG ‣ @ekenepatience.org

BLACKNOIR.ME ‣ @blacknoir.me

MY FABULOUS BEAUTIES ‣ @myfabulousbeauties.com

FABULOUS BEAUTIES FOOD ‣ @fabulousbeautiesfood.com

BLACKNOIR.ORG ‣ @blacknoir.org



My gigs on Fiverr – Here

More Pretty Pictures on Pinterest – Here

Content Marketing and Photos on Blacknoir  – Here



Story book –Here

My YouTube Video – Here


My gig – here

Basic Dutch/English Lesson – Here

My Fabulous Beauties Blog Post – Here

My Lovely Photo modelling Pictures – Here




Top Universities!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family, how are you?

I hope you all are doing well.

Today, I am going to share with you nine top universities in my own opinion.

1. University of Oxford
2. Cambridge University
3. University of Edinburgh
4. University of Dundee
5. University of Ibadan
6. University of Housten
7. University of Leiden
9. University of Gent
10. Hogeschool Rotterdam
11. Hogeschool Zeeland
University study is very important.
Many Nigerian, European and American parents love to send their children abroad for great education.

If you are a Nigerian, American or a European, and wish to achieve great education, i do advice you study at these universities i have mentioned.

These above universities have great study curriculum.

The United States has great universities for studies such as The University of Housten and The University of Newyork.

I am a freelance student mentor, please do contact me if you do need some mentorship in regard to the best study.

Thank you so much for reading, please do remember to subscribe to my chanel


Ekene Patience


FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience


My websites

EKENEPATIENCE.ORG ‣ @ekenepatience.org

BLACKNOIR.ME ‣ @blacknoir.me

MY FABULOUS BEAUTIES ‣ @myfabulousbeauties.com

FABULOUS BEAUTIES FOOD ‣ @fabulousbeautiesfood.com



My gigs on Fiverr – Here

More Pretty Pictures on Pinterest – Here

Content Marketing and Photos on Blacknoir  – Here


Story book –Here

My YouTube Video – Here

My gig – here

Basic Dutch/English Lesson – Here

My Fabulous Beauties Blog Post – Here








Please subscribe!

Hi there, I am on fiverr. Please find my fiverr gigs – Here


Qualities of A Good Student!

Hello my beautiful friends and family! Thank you so much for visiting my site. Today, I am going to share with you top qualities of a good student.

Top qualities of a good student are;

  1. Be kind to your fellow student
  2. Be on time for lectures
  3. Read your books
  4. Do some research on the best schools before you start your studies
  5. Take your studies seriously
  6. Do your assignments on time
  7. Go to bed early
  8. Make friends and study together with your fellow students
  9. Buy text books for studies
  10. Eat properly, make sure you have some extra money on you if need be, you can buy some vitamins supplements.
  11. When you are writing your thesis, make sure you write it properly, a great thesis will enable you to pass and achieve your university degree.

Are you planning to study at Oxford university London, Cambridge, university of dundee, Erasmus university or at hogeschool Rotterdam, cool! You have done so well for your self! Please make sure you study well in order to excel.



YOUTUBE‣  @ekenepatience
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience




Essential Items A Student Needs!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! How are you? I hope you all are doing well. I have been asked very frequently by some of my blog readers, family members, and more essential items a student needs in order to achieve good grades and study successfully! Below is a list of items, amenities in my opinion in order to achieve great studies. I have a BSc. in Biochemistry, a bachelor’s degree in International business and management studies, and a master’s degree in Marketing and management. I also have several other diplomas. I was a student mentor during my master’s studies a few years ago.

  1. A good internet connection and television/radio in order to view channels such as CNN, BBC, and so on.
  2. Basic clothing such as shoes, jeans, t-shirts, dresses, tidy hair, perfume, nails, makeup, books, schoolbag and more
  3. Great accommodations for your studies
  4. Pocket money for trains, busses, groceries, and more.
  5. Blanket, bed linen and pillow
  6. textbooks
  7. A nice telephone, laptop for communication

During my first year of studies at the university studies at Anambra State University Uli, currently known as Chukwuemeka Odumegwu University, I received my very first triumph phone as a gift. I was so happy. Then I could call my mummy, daddy, relatives,  friends, and family with the phone. I really enjoyed my university studies than in Nigeria, hanging out with friends at school,  sleeping at my girlfriend’s room, I had a very small room then as a student but was able to entertain so many classmates in a day we studied together, eat together, took a nap together, motivated and inspired each other every day. Great memories!

I hope you guys enjoyed my blog post. Please do share with me how you spent your days at the university, where you always alone, eat alone, slept alone, did your home works all by your self, did not motivate your colleagues, or were you an extrovert, had many friends, studied with friends. I love to learn from you.

Thank you so much for reading.


Ekene Patience












How To Be A Great Sales Person!

Hello, my amazing friends and family! I hope you all are doing great. Today, I am going to share with you ideas on how to improve your marketing and sales skills as a business owner. During my master’s study at the University of Dundee, I was a student mentor and I coached my fellow Master’s students in Marketing and Management on how to improve their study skills, self-care and achieve good grades. I also wrote a thesis on digital marketing of Hilton Hotels in The Netherlands. I conducted some research on the digital marketing activities of Hilton Hotel in The Netherlands, I compared and contrast with other social media activities of their competitors and also advised them on how to improve their digital marketing. I have also coached SME’s on sales and marketing. It is very important to have great marketing and sales skills in order to earn more customers. For example, Amadore hotels and Roompot holiday homes in Zeeland has a great website. Easy to access and attractive. Here are some skills you need to earn more customers and improve your sales skills. Eneco in The Netherlands is also very good with marketing and sales, the company takes time to train its sales force before sending them to the field. While working for Eneco a few years ago, I had the great opportunity to receive some decent sales training and work with a very professional sales force.

  1. Have a great website
  2. Be kind to your customers
  3. Use social media tools to relate with your customers and share your business activities
  4. Advertise often online
  5. Know your products and services you offer very well
  6. Watch what your competitors are doing online and learn from them
  7. Practise active listening. Talk less and listen more to what your potential customers has to say.

By the way, Are you planning to visit Zeeland in The Netherlands soon, i highly recommend Roompot holiday homes, Fletchers hotels and Amadore. You will definitely  enjoy your stay.

I hope this blog post impired you. I am a business and digital marketing consultant. If you need me to coach you on how to build a website, place an advert for your company online, create customised pictures  you can use to promote your goods and services, manage your social media accounts, improve your blogging skills,  seo or sea, please contact me. I would love to work with you.

Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

p.s. I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop or conduct market research for automobiles, generators, solar panels,  photography equipment, electronics, fashion items, perfumes, cosmetics, ambulances, furniture, flight tickets and more. I give home care advice, self-care tips, photography workshop and more. Please shop  here I am also a beauty and health consultant, I clean houses, holiday homes and hotels and give self care and health care tips. Please do contact me if you need my services.

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Beauty Salon – Here

Shop – Here

Flight Tickets – Here

Hi friends Please contact Solite Global Travels for your very affordable flight tickets, hotel reservations, visa bookings worldwide.  please like us on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/solitetravels/ Thank you so much for your patronage in advance www.ek

Makeup and styling done by me www.ekenepatience.com

Hi sugar! I am a hairstylist in The Netherland. I cut and style hair for male and female. Please contact me if you are interested. xo www.ekenepatience.com

Makeup done by me xo www.ekenepatience.com

Hey you! I am a makeup artist and a personal  in the Netherlands. Please contact me if you need my service xo whatsapp +31657088182 www.ekenepatience.com

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Hello loves! Need these items from Europe? I can help you shop for them. I am a personal shopper. We ship worldwide please dm me. www.ekenepatience.com +31620175330

Marketing and sales tips by Ekene Patience


4 Ways To Achieve A Stress Free Lifestyle!

Hello my dearest friends,  I have been asked alot by my friends, fans, followers, family members tips on how to become happier. Some of us may become unhappy due to the fact they lost  job, contract lost a loved one or financially drained.  Some  people tend to use anti depressant to combat it. As a biochemist, I learnt during my study years there are some amazing ways you can actually become happier, fight depression and stress with out consuming drugs that can harm your health especially drugs with side effects.

Below are some of my tips:

  1. Distract your self, try as much as you can to look for something you love doing, become a photographer, start a  new study, babysiter, painter, join a dancing class and so on and so forth. look good on daily basis.
  2. Create balance and evacuate your self from an environment, jobs that is risky for your health and wellbeing. I do believe in the saying, health is wealth. Some of us do stay in a job that you love but might be dangerous, be very careful and make the right decision, please never risk your health no matter your circumstance.
  3. Build meaningful connection, make friends, reconcile with your self, fury or whom ever that has ever offended you. The word of God sttes that  God forgives us of all our sins as long as we forgive our neigbours.
  4. Visit musuems, zoo, go for date, jogging, makeover, manicure, pedicure, spa and so on.

I hope you are inspired.

Thank you so so much for reading. Please find video below with tips on how to become happier.

I love you.


Ekene Patience

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