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Effortless LookBook For Winter 2018!

So it’s still freezing out here in Europe so thought i’d share with you my current favourite winter outfits!

I hope you are inspired! Wishing you all a fabulous week

I love you



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

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Jacket – H &M

Dress – MET

Shoes- Man Field

Stay Ups – H&M

Handbag- Michal kors

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Shoes- Mallorca Spain

Jeans- Tommy Hilfiger

Top – C&A

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Winter Lookbook!

Hi beautiful 🙂 I hope everyone had a great new year celebration. I am so excited as always to share with you some winter outfit inspiration i do often wear and feel comfortable with! It is very crucial you keep warm  during winter period to avoid cold! River island, H&M, Mart Vissers , CA,Silver Creek, Tommy Hilfiger has an amazing winter outfits! Adding a scarf , hand gloves would keep you warmer!

I do love to know more about your favourite winter looks!

Thank you so much for stopping by

I love you.


Here I am wearing my favourite coat from Mart Vissers. I bought it in Goes few years ago, when V&D was still on in zee land. I miss v &d shop a lot

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Here am wearing my favourite leather jacket from Silver Creek I bought in Open 32 in Goes, Zeeland.



A pretty skirt from www.nelly.com



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A lovely makeup look done by me  ideal for winter period.

Above, a lovely scarf from River Island




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