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How To Improve Your Work-Life Balance Today!

 Ciao amore mio, come stai? Hiya, I just wrote in italian language, I said, Hello love, How are you? I feel so blessed to be able to speak and understand several languages. I hope you all are doing well. Today’s blog post is to inspire you on how to balance work life style.

Prioritise your health, like the saying goes, health is wealth make sure you are working in a healthy condusive environment. It is very important to like the job you do, I have worked in several hospitality companies in The Netherlands, i enjoy meeting new people serving lovely foods and beautiful desert, its fun to see the smile on customers face when they are well served and pamperd.

Make time for your family, your children, parent. Work is important,  but family always comes first. It is very important to be a responsible parent and have the ability to manage your family and work life style, Let’s say for instance, you are a working class parent and you need to go on a business trip, please do make sure you have your work, family activities well planned.

I hope these few tips inspired you.

Thank you so much for reading.

Please do share with me how you manage and balance your family work lifestyle. I would love to learn from you.


Ekene Patience


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How TO Be More Productive While Working From Home!

Being able to work at home is luxury because you tend to save time, travel expenses and so on but it does requires a lot of discipline and dedication.  During my final year studies, I did a lot my studies at home, My teachers were very flexible , helpful  and understanding. I have learnt that the only way I can be productive by working from home is to cancel all distraction. First I do clean and organise the whole house properly, I turn of the tv and tune to radio with nice soul and jazz music playing on the background with very low volume,

Below are more amazing tips on how to achieve  productive day working from home.
1. Avoid procastination. Create  a to do list for the  day, ensure you prioritise all your activities in  a good order .
2. Make  sure you eat properly. Good food helps to keep you productive and energised. When you are feeling stored after couple of hours working at home, go for a quick run,  jogging or other form of exercise.
3. Make sure you dress up properly just the same way you would dress up if you were going to an office to work .
4. Give yourself a peck / reward when you have completed a task.

5. Meet with your coach, boss regularly in order to evaluate your performance and gain support.
I hope these tips were helpful to help you become more productive while you work from home.

If you do like this content, please kindly share it!
Thank you so much for reading.

I love you


Ekene Patience

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How To Find A Job ASAP!!!

Hello my adorable friends, How are you all doing? Hope awesome! I have helped a whole lot of students to gain employment by coaching them especially during my schools day at Rotterdam University In The Netherlands. Once, I coached over seventy students on how to start their own business, build a website and all the good jazz! Recently a very close friend of mine asked me to coach her on how to find a student job especially for the weekend (part time) . I decided to create this blog post to inspire you all my awesome friends whom may be looking for  job or have friends who need one. Lets get started:

  1. Go online, search LinkedIn, Indeed.com, Monster board, job bird, jobrapido, student jobs. There are millions of job opening out there, you have to use the right key word. For example, lets say you need a cleaning job in Milan. You have to search on Google, ‘cleaning job Milan’ or student jobs Milan, got it?
  2. Create a decent c.v. There are several examples of decent cv you can emulate from online.
  3. create a LinkedIn profile
  4. Ask friends and family to coach you on how to find a job
  5. submit your c.v. personally to company’s or organizations you are interested in. Lets say you like to do house keeping jobs, you may want to print several cv and submit to all the hotels close to you. you can do some research online too and submit your cv to their email address. if you do have call credit, call the company, ask them if they need personals first before sending in your cv.
  6. Attend job workshop at your school.
  7. dress neatly when going for an interview and wear good makeup and lovely outfits. you can buy some cool cloths from Zara, H&M, Esprit.. watch You tube videos to get inspired on how to look formal for a job interview.
  8. body language is also important as much as verbal language, have the right posture and gestures during your interviews.

If you do succeed to acquire the job, endevour to do your best during your probational period which is usually 3 to six months before you earn your permanent contract.

So here you have my awesome tips for a job interview.

I wish you  all the very best my lovelies.

I love you



TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
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BEAUTY, Ekenepatience.org, LIFESTYLE

Working In The Netherlands

Hey muffins, this is a note to share with you my working experience in Horeca- Hotels, restaurants and cafes in the Netherlands. it was amazing!- Ik vond het erg leuk – that means, I loved it.

While I was a student at Rotterdam University, I did some in between jobs in Restaurants such as Olijven Tuin in Rotterdam and Toro dorado, Markt Cafe, these above mentioned restaurants are awesome!

I also worked for Amadore , Amadore has a great customer service system, well trained staffs and also great ambiance in their restaurants.

if you are searching for a student job, restaurants, cleaning jobs and hotel receptionist can be a great start.

I also worked in some awesome hotels as part time jobs. I was fired several times because I lacked some experience. so my advice to you young lad out there, you need to be well experienced before you apply a job, choose a field you are good at, and be the best.

I hope this tip inspires you.

I am currently looking for a job, am good at makeup,sales and marketing and also has some experience in cleaning , so please do contact me if you know about a job offer in The Netherlands.

I love you





Working In The Netherlands


Working girl ! #jeep #hot #maserati #lamgboghini #cars #rotterdam ##travel #places #fashion #rihanna #beyonce #nikkiminaj #love #hot #girl # #wife # milf #sushi #blondbody #picoftheday #car #cars




Hello Lovelies! Working In the Netherlands has been an awesome experience for me. I have had ample opportunities to work for prestigious companies such as Kuidvat, De Tuinen, Parfum Star, Allevo, Dorcas, Candelabra and Jacaranda Trading B.V. In The Netherlands. All these years in Holland, I have been happy living here, there are sometimes downsides and upsides aswell. I have also been able to build up my own business as a co founder of Fabulous beauties and watchstar.nl

The dutch people are very friendly and kind.  Its als a great country to bring u your children expecially in Zeeland. You can easily find a job in recruitment agencies such as werk.nl, Randstad, Tempo team. Alot of tourist easily get a job in Horeca (hotels, catering and restaurants) . In case you do not speak dutch, it might be a problem finding a job, although there are alot of dutch persons whom speak english language

In Amsterdam, Rotterdam there are alot of dark people compared to Zeeland area. Almost everyone in The Netherlands speak englsh. Although it is very important to speak the dutch language in order to find a good job. The upside of living in The Netherlands is that other european countries such as Belgium, Germany are quite closeby.

It is very important to learn the culture of the Netherlands because the cultue of the Netherlands is very different as that of nigerian culture ( see hofstede cultural dimension).

All in All, my working experience in this country is awesome and I highly recommend The Netherlands to build up your career.

Keep in mind, there are alot of cheese here and you have to know how to ride a bike lol.

I love you


Ekene Patience