
Taking Control Of Your Life, Career and Family!

Patience Ekene


Hello loves, I just felt it in my heart to share with you on how to take control of your life. This post will inspire you to take definite change in your life undermining the circumstance you are in.

2015 is almost coming to an end. I hope you have been able to make the best out of it! It is very important and make self-reflection. Ask yourself of you have been able to achieve all you wished for for the year, if not, you still have the chance to do so. All you have to do is grab your pen and paper, and write down all you wish to achieve,  all your issues, what is going wrong, what you like to do, the things that scare you, try to do at least one thing that scares you every day and read some motivational books . Anything that is bothering you, just say to yourself, I can handle it.

You also need to identify what you really like to achieve, and take action and work towards it.

I have been listening a lot to Bob Procter, and have been inspired by him. In life, fear is constant, but you have to do it any way. Take perfect control of your life, go for your dream job, house, and career and do not let anyone bring you down.

In order to become better in the field you do, for instance if you are a model and you want to become a better photo model, all you have to do choose role models, those that are very successful in the field and be inspired by them.

I hope these few tips were helpful!

I love you so so much!

Stay beautiful!


Ekene Patience




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