
Top Banks In The Netherlands!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! I hope you all are doing great! I was asked to share with you all great banks in The Netherlands, especially for my international audience who may be planning to relocate to The Netherlands. By the way, if you wish to live in The Netherlands in great cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Please contact me, I can help you search for suitable accommodation. Top banks in The Netherlands are

  1. Ing Bank
  2. Abn Ambro
  3. BNP Paribas bank
  4. SNS bank
  5. Rabo bank

I do like the Dutch banking system. I have been banking with ING bank in The Netherlands for over a decade. ING bank has great customer service, friendly staff, and great Application for the phone that enables their customers to transact swiftly. My take home for you guys is to cultivate good savings culture, invest properly. Do you guys know that you do not need a two-year contract before you can purchase a house with ING bank? The Dutch banks offer loans and mortgage for persons who would like to purchase their very own home, how cool is that?

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Ekene Patience

Hallo mijn beste vrienden, vandaag wil ik het met jullie hebben over de belangrijkste banken in Nederland. Dit zijn de zogenaamde systeembanken, deze banken worden te groot geacht om failliet te gaan, ze zijn too big to fail.

Deze banken regelen het betalingsverkeer, beheren spaargeld en lenen geld uit.

Een systeembank failliet laten gaan zou dan ook een economische ramp kunnen beteken. Sinds de kredietcrisis staan de banken onder scherp toezicht.

De systeemrelevante banken in Nederland zijn:

-BNG bank, bank der Nederlandse gemeenten

-ING bank

-Rabo bank

-ABN Amro bank

_SNS bank

In Nederland is je spaargeld bij faillissement van de bank tot een bedrag van 100.000 euro gegarandeerd door de overheid. Ook kan je in Nederland bij de aankoop van een woning tot 100 % van de waarde van de woning lenen bij de bank.


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Makeup done by me xo www.ekenepatience.com


Hello beautiful! Wishing you a fabulous weekend! xoxoxo Ekene Patience Makeup and styling done by me - www.fabulousbeauties.nl ‪#‎Model‬ ‪#‎Mua‬ ‪#‎Bluedress‬ ‪#‎Pretty‬ ‪#‎Marykay‬ ‪#‎Zeeland‬ ‪#‎Holland‬  ‪#‎longhair‬ ‪#‎watches‬ ‪#‎style‬ ‪#‎thenetherl



Have a nice evening friends #Model #Holland #Zeelnd #Beauty #Visco #Summer #Ootd #Style #Fashion #Pretty

Makeup and styling by me

Beauty shoot was so much fun #Blackdress #Zeeland #Afro #Model #Loreal #Pretty #Urbandecay #Lorac #MK  I do Makeup, Manicure and Pedicure see mor:  www.fabulousbeauties.nl  www.ekenepatience.com  Xoxoxo  Ekene Patience

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